The Woman Part I

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There was a light shining on his face. A bright one at that. Probably the sun. Either way Shizuo didn't want to open his eyes. He wanted to be dead. He wanted to be forgotten. But, that wasn't going to happen, was it? No. Not today. So his eyes fluttered open, only for him to see the most beautiful person he'd ever seen before. This must be heaven then. Or hell. No one said there couldn't be bright lights and pretty people in hell. But which one? Was he really dead? Or was he just dreaming of death while lying on the street in some alley. This is strange. So weird. So foreign. The person smiled at him. He blinked. Who was this? How'd she get here?

The scenery around Shizuo was becoming more clear. No. This wasn't the afterlife. This was just his apartment. How'd he get here though? Did she carry him? Perhaps she was just a lot stronger than she looks, like he was. Perhaps. Or perhaps she called for help after noticing him in that alley he was supposed to be dying in. Sigh. The details didn't matter much to Shizuo. He just knew he was still alive. That was the problem: he didn't want to be alive. 

"Hello," she smiled. Her face was gleaming for some reason. Maybe it was the sun's rays shining on her after entering his apartment via the window. Maybe it was the fact that Shizuo's eyes were too watery to see properly. Maybe it was because his subconscious was telling him how attracted he was to this woman. In any case, she looked like an angel, or a demon for that matter. Her eyes were a magnificent shade of auburn and her long raven hair almost glowed. Shizuo felt he recognized it, and yet, he didn't at the same time. Questions poured into his mind but he never asked them. He felt too weak. The overpowering sickening sweet smell of vanilla surrounded him. He couldn't process much else. He didn't bother to say a thing. It all seemed irrelevant compared to her beauty. 

"You're sick with a fever. I'm going to take care of you, since, well, I have nothing better to do," she let out a small laugh that made Shizuo's heart beat faster. Why? Why was he thinking this stranger to be so irresistible? The fever must be having an effect on his brain. They just met. He shouldn't be thinking like this so soon. Right? Or, was this love at first sight? Was this that feeling he'd heard about? That feeling he'd witnessed in movies and plays? No. Him? Feeling such a thing? Toward a stranger? That must be impossible. Well, that's what he'd like to say. But his logic is no longer with him. His brain is no longer at its best. He is just a blank slate controlled by his feelings. The fever ruined any reasoning his brain would have offered him on another occasion. 

"I'm sorry about all the candles," she paused to put some of her hair behind her ear. Her face was pale compared to her dark hair. It looked so soft. Shizuo wanted to touch it. It's a good thing he can't find the energy to move his arms, or he would have touched it. "It's kind of a thing I do, my mother used to light vanilla candles in my room when I was sick. She thought it would summon good omens. I'm not sure why. I could never understand her, but I've done it ever since," she smiled once again. Shizuo hadn't noticed the soft glowing of the wicks' flames before. He had been too focused on her. So, that's why it smelled like vanilla. That makes sense. Doesn't it? 

Shizuo wanted to reply but he couldn't form the words. His mind was too foggy. This fever was slowly killing him inside. Why did he think it was a good idea to walk around in the rain? That was the worst idea he could have possibly had. A few beads of sweat formed on his brow and slid down his face. Being sick is the absolute worst. But being in her presence was the best thing that had ever happened to him. The universe must have a strange sense of humor. 

"You must be really hot underneath all those blankets," she said, "I'd take them off but it's better if you sweat the fever out. Would you rather take a bath? I can help you into the tub," she offered. Shizuo was tempted but refused. The thought of her seeing him naked made him shy. For now, he'd just have to suffer till he could function on his own. 

"If you insist," she sighed, "I don't want to see you miserable and sweating. People should be spoiled when sick since being sick is misery enough. If there is anything I can do to make you feel better, please say so." Shizuo was beginning to think this woman might be an illusion. She couldn't be real. No one was that perfect. And yet, she was. She wore a skirt that wasn't too short and a black v-neck that wasn't too low. Her whole aura screamed 'pure.' Could he be hallucinating? 

The woman gasped and placed a hand to her mouth. What? What is it? He hadn't said anything so he couldn't have upset her. Was he looking at her too much? Shizuo began to worry about all of the most trivial things until she began to speak once more, "I haven't introduced myself! You're probably so confused about why this stranger is in your house taking care of you! I'm so sorry!" the edges of Shizuo's mouth tilted upward. Good. So it wasn't something he did. 

"My name is Ayazi Arahiro. It is a pleasure to meet you. I had gotten a phone call on my way home from work telling me to go to the alley you were in. I was tempted not to since the guy sounded super shady, but I went anyway and I found you lying there in the rain! I couldn't just leave you so I called for some help. Funnily enough, my phone went off again and an unknown number texted me your address. Now that I think about it, it was probably the same guy who called me! In any case, you don't seem to be a bad person so I'll fulfill the task fate has required! I will take care of you!" Shizuo smiled. He didn't care why she was there; he was just happy she decided to stay. What he didn't realize was that his feelings for this woman would continue to grow...and that one day she'd disappear from his life forever.

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