Chapter Three

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“How do you think the meeting went? I must admit I'm very curious about our new neighbour. Charlotte said he is a man of five thousand a year. And she has also heard that he is quite handsome.”
            “Lizzy Bennet! Did I just hear that you have been gossiping about rich young men? That's not like you!”
           “Jane dear, don't worry. I was just trying to find out whether this particular young man was any danger to me”, Lizzy replied with her usual playfulness.
           “Danger to you! Whatever do you mean?”, asked a bewildered Jane.
           “I was just checking to see whether he is capable of stealing you away from me.”
            “Lizzy! Keep quiet!”, came from a blushing Jane.
            “Oh dear, you are too harsh on yourself. Don't you see? No gentleman, for gentle he must be who marries you, in Hertfordshire is good enough for you. And it is a given that any unmarried man who meets you for the first time will fall in love with such a pretty generous soul as you. So it is up to me to see whether he, in return deserves your love or not.”
             “You are mad. Now let's go to sleep. It is quite late”, said Jane blowing out the candles.
              “As you wish sister.”


               As expected, Mrs Bennet did everything she could possibly do with the assistance of her daughters to draw from her husband any satisfactory description of Mr. Bingley but nothing was sufficient and the master of the house was successful in eluding them all. The female population of the house was hence forced to be obliged to Lady Lucas for her second-hand intelligence and the highly favourable report they received.

               In fact the report was such a good one that the elder two Bennet sisters could do nothing but sit and wonder how much of what was being said was true and how much the excited imagination of Hertfordshire. At last they decided to let it go and find out for themselves how the man really was.

              They did not have to wait much for their chance as before long Mr. Bingley returned Mr. Bennet's call and sat about ten minutes with him in his library. The ladies had the advantage of ascertaining from an upper window that he wore a blue coat and rode a black horse. Bingley, however was disappointed as he was not admitted to a sight of the young ladies who, by now he was certain, were paragon of beauties.

               The invitation to dinner forwarded to him soon afterwards was politely declined and Mrs Bennet was informed that the master of Netherfield had to be in town the following day on some errand. Jane, who was not content with just seeing him from an upper window was looking forward to meeting him again for dinner and was quite disappointed on hearing the news.
Only the prospect of being introduced to him at the upcoming ball cheered her up a little.
                 Being the optimistic one of the family, Jane was always the  first to find good in people. But her experience of two and twenty years has also taught her that appearances can be deceptive and many a times Lizzy had to be the one to protect her when she placed her trust in the wrong place. She knew that it was important to know a person, really know him, before forming any sort of judgement or prejudice.

                 She also knew her mother entertained high hopes from her; her favourite saying being, 'My Jane can't be so beautiful for nothing'. Unlike her sister, she didn't have any romantic notions about marriage and had sense enough to know that even the best of marriages based on love could end up as disasters.

                Knowing the financial condition of her family, she was mentally prepared to bear the responsibility of marrying well and looking after them.  But there was a tiny part of her heart which also longed for love. But she didn't dare hope to get so lucky and would be content with whatever or whoever came her way.


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