He's Only a Memory

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           Your POV
A few days after I found out that Craig was my true mate I moved into his place. There were still a few things that Craig didn't know about me. For example I have terrible nightmares about Logan and the abuse. He also doesn't know about the many times I narrowly escaped Logan raping me, though I did escape and I managed to keep my virginity. The last thing he doesn't know is that I have depression. I cut my wrists and I would sometimes go days without eating and, though I did stop starving myself, I do still cut. Though I haven't told him he was about to find out. We were asleep when one of my nightmares started. (In dream) We were sitting on the couch watching t.v when the door burst open revealing Logan with a shot gun. As he was walking towards us Craig stood in front of me trying to protect me but that didn't stop Logan from pointing the gun at his head and pulling the trigger. As I watched Craig die in front of me I screamed out and broke down on my knees sobbing. "Maybe this will teach you not to be a SLUT!" he yelled. That's when he pinned me down and started to beat and rape me. He was about to shoot me in the head when...(End dream) I was jolted awake by Craig. He looked at me with his piercing emerald green eyes laced with worry. (Play song) "(Y/N), what happened? Are you ok?" he asked worried. I started crying as he pulled me to his chest running his fingers through my hair trying to soothe me. When I finally calmed down I told him everything. First about my nightmares and then about my depression. I started to cry again but he gently took my chin and kissed me. "Wait Craig, that's not all" I said a bit nervous. "What is it (Y/N)?" I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and told him about the many times Logan tried to rape me. When I opened my eyes again I saw a mix of emotions in his eyes. I saw concern, worry and anger. It was the anger that scared me. I looked down trying to look anywhere but at Craig with tears in my eyes. That's when he lifted my chin. I had to look at him and when I did what I saw surprised me. When I looked into his eyes I saw that he had tears of his own. I still saw concern and worry but instead of anger I saw regret probably from him scaring me and I saw love. He wiped away my tears with his thumbs as I wiped away his. He gently pulled my face closer to his and pressed his lips to mine. I felt his tongue brush across my bottom lip asking for entrance. I playfully denied but he slipped his hand up my inner thigh. As he did this I gasped giving him time to slip his tongue into my mouth. I tried to fight for dominance but he of course won and explored my mouth. I moaned as he climbed ontop of me and pinned my arms above my head. He was between my legs as he started to gently grind his hips on mine causing me to moan louder and buck my hips against his. I managed to pull my arms free and I wrapped them around his neck as I ran my fingers into his hair and started tugging on it lightly. He started to nibble and suck on my sweet spot, turning me into a moaning mess as he continued to grind on my hips. I pulled him into a hug to signal him that I wanted to stop. He gave me a kiss and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him, spooning me. No matter what nightmares I have, I knew I would be safe in Craig's arms. With that thought I fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.

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