Chapter 20

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I struggled against the person who managed to drag me out of the car. He was strong and didn't budge against my attempts to break free from his grasp. They put something over my head to block my field of vision. I didn't know where they were taking me. I didn't know where Derek was or if he's been captured also. Surely if they managed to find me two miles away, they managed to find Derek and Peter, my only hope now is finding a way to escape and finding them before they get killed. Well before Derek gets killed, I don't care about Peter. Once they brought me into a building and roughly threw me down in a chair they tied my hands and took whatever the hell was on my head so that I could see. It took a couple of seconds to process where I was. I was in what looked liked an abandoned warehouse. Standing in front of me were three men, strong men. I looked around to see if I could spot Derek but he wasn't in here. 

"Let me go!" I shouted at them. The dark haired man stepped forward to speak. 

"Not before you give us some answers. Question number one, what were you doing two miles from our hideout?" He asked me. I have to play dumb, I can't say anything about Derek in hopes that he hasn't been captured yet, and if I play dumb and not give them the answers they want then they will have a reason to keep me alive. 

"I don't know what you're talking about, I don't even know who you guys are" I said straight-faced. The same dark haired man took a step forward and used his hand and roughly grabbed my face by my chin. 

"You know exactly who I am, and I know what you are, you're a werewolf, now I'm going to ask you again what were you doing" He said and let go of my face. 

"Well what did it look like I was doing? I was sitting in the car trying to find my way home, I got lost" I lied. 

"lost? In the middle of no where?" He asked not believing my bull shit story. 

"Exactly in the middle of no where, that's why I was lost" I said giving him a sweet smile. 

"Don't play games with me" He said angered.

"I don't really like games, so I'm not playing one" I said. 

"You wanna know what happens to people when I don't get the answers I want?" He asked. 

"No not really" I answered truthfully. 

"Let me show you" He said. The blonde haired man in the corner switched something on from the box next to him and not even a second later a massive shock went through my whole body. I didn't hurt at first but after a couple more seconds it could be described as the worst pain I have ever felt, it was excruciating.

"You gonna answer truthfully now!" He asked.

"I was telling the truth!" I yelled back.

"Who are you here with?" He asked.

"Me and Myself. oh I almost forgot, and I" I said. With a nod the man flipped a switch again only this time the pain was worse. "Ah!" I yelled. I couldn't help it. 

"Sweetheart you can make this stop if you just gave me the answers I want" He said. "Or there is something else you could do" He said turning towards his boys. "Get out" He said and they did as he said. He walked slowly over to me and leaned over me. "You are really pretty" He said as he traced his fingertips down the side of my face. I turned my face as far as I could. I hate the feeling of another man touching me. He went lower and started to work on the first button on my shirt. What a sick fuck. 

"Stop!" I said. 

"What can you do to stop me?" He asked as be grabbed my face and roughly connected his lips to mine. I saw a chance and I took it. I grabbed his bottom lip with my teeth and felt the tearing of his bottom lip.

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