A little rant

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Sorry guys this isn't about dwts but it is about celebrities. During one of my late night scroll sessions through Instagram I found a celebrities camera duel Instagram page. I understand that as a celeb you want privacy but you also give up some points of that when you become an idol to people around the world. He had a lot of sarcastic captions under his photos which made me kind of sad. He has the power to be kind and understanding to the pictures that these people are taking. These people are just taking pictures from far off of the actor, yes, I understand but people are curious and love fame even if it is just a taste of it. Why make a big deal of it? Your fans are what makes you well you, you can't be a celebrity with out your fans, so why be kind of rude. I understand the people who laughed and knew he caught them but he even did his camera duel to a kid. A young impressionable kid. Now I don't hate the actor but this just kind of frustrated me to see someone act as if they are higher then the rest of the people who idolize them. Yes you can ask them to not take a picture, but what is stopping them from taking a picture from afar a and why if at all is that bad or dumb or stupid.  Idk what to think or if I'm just over thinking it. What do you guys think?

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