Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off so, of course I had to get up and smash it to pieces.

I stand there for a minute looking down at the broken alarm not noticing Maria rushing in with a worried expression plastered on her face.

"what happened?!" she asked, only to divert her eyes onto the floor finally realizing what caused the ruckus.

"Joanna that's the fifth time you've broken your alarm, can you please leave the poor alarm alone"

Maria was right I should really stop breaking my alarms, but to be honest, they deserved it. Always ruining my sleep.

"Okay fine, this will be the last time I promise"

I say to Maria before she smacks my head off my shoulders.

she's scary.

I like to think of Maria as my mom since she has taken care of me ever since I hired her as my housekeeper, she has always treated me like I'm her daughter, it feels nice to have her around even though I'm old enough to be taking care of myself.

"I made breakfast for you, go have a shower and get dressed, I will be waiting downstairs for you"

As Maria leaves me to get ready, I look at my schedule on my phone to see how many meetings I will have today, as I swipe through to see the meetings I see a name that puts me in shock.


I have a meeting with him today, I thought it was tomorrow.

I rush towards my bathroom taking off my nightgown while closing the door shut behind me.

I opened the glass door of the shower, walked in, and turned it on.

After 20 minutes in the shower, I blow dry my dirty blonde hair and brushed it up creating a neatly tied bun. Next, I grab some makeup to cover up the dark circles under my eyes and applied more products to amplify my features, after 10 minutes I step back to look, and I'm quite satisfied with the results.

I look good.

I walk out of my bathroom heading towards my walk in closet to see what I should wear today, I look around for something to wear and I spot the perfect outfit.

I chuck it on and head downstairs to see my best friend Desmond sitting at the table.

"Des, what are you doing here?" I say in a dull tone.

"I'm here to visit you bitch"

"Okay Des how much do you want this time"


"I was joking calm down" waving him of

"You bitch" he remarks. Dramatic as always.

I walk up to Des and sit down next to him.

As I eat my food I look at the time and fuck, I was late so I get up and started walking.

"Ummmmm where is my hug?" Des yells and I spin around giving him a tight hug and saying my goodbyes.

I walk out the door to my garage where my Mercedes is there calling for me to drive it, I hop in and drive to work. After listening to my favourite Artist Kehlani in a 20 min drive I parked my car and walk into a massive building with writing on top saying "VALENTINA", the doorman opened the door for me saying.

"Here you go, miss"

"Thank you" I say smiling at him

When I was in my building I go to the elevator pressing a button saying level 30, the highest floor in one of my buildings, I finally reached the top and see my secretary Kyanna running to me.

"Miss you're 5 minutes late for your first meeting"

I look at my watch for the time and she was right so I headed for my meeting room.

"Is he in there?" I asked her firmly

"Yes he is" she states nervously.

"Okay I want you to set up a meeting for me with Mr. Hayes, tell him it's important"

"Yes Ma'am I'll get right to it" she says heading off to her office.

I finally reached the meeting room, putting my hands firmly on the door knob and taking a deep breath since I know this is going to be one hell of a meeting. I open the doors to see 9 men looking at me as I head towards my sit looking unfazed by their sharp stares. 

I sit down on my chair to see a man with jet black hair which is nicely combed back, wearing a black suit with no tie, beautiful cold blue eyes. I kept staring only to realise those eyes were staring right back with such intensity. I had to quickly divert my eyes elsewhere before he burns a hole through me.

I knew who he was, his name was Elijah Knight the biggest businessman in the US, I've had some meetings with him in the past and let's just say he isn't the nicest among men but he's goddamn good at what he does.

"You're late"

I snap out of my thoughts and looked at the person who spoke, and of course it was him.

"Sorry, I was a bit busy this morning"

"No excuses" 

shut up bitch you're in my building. I can be late if I want!

As we have our meeting about a project and see if both sides agree to it. I listen to Mr. Knight ramble on about the project only to see that most of my men are terrified to even look up at him right now.

"Do you agree with me miss Valentina?"

Wait what, I wasn't listening god dammit

"uhh yes, yes I do"

He looked at me like I was a stupid or something, this guy sure has a thing with staring a lot. I had to look down pretending to read the papers in front of me to avoid the hard glares he was shooting off.

When the meeting finally finished everyone was dismissed, I got up and walked out fast hoping he won't try to talk to me.

"Miss Valentina I would like to talk to you"

luck isn't on my side today.

I turn around to see him standing there with his cold stare and his tall frame towering over me.

"Yes Mr. Knight"

"I would like to talk to you tomorrow on a different topic than the project we are working on"

"of course" I say with a smile.

"Come to my office at 8 am"

Why does he want to talk? 

maybe he wants to kill you and sell your organs on the black market.

I got to stop watching criminal minds.

"I will see you then"

"Okay see you tomorrow Miss Valentina" does this man have emotions or what??

He walks away waving goodbye leaving me there wondering why he wants to talk.




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