3:01 AM

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My life has always been odd, I had always invoked the darkness. But, I never thought I would undergo an encounter like this.

Ever since I was very young these strange and unusual events would persist constantly in my daily life. Albeit, I have wished for odd things to happen to me, but when you undergo these types of events, you just want the bad dream to collapse in on itself.

It took many years of assembling people who would believe my so-called encounters. I have spoken in plenty of panels, speaking about my encounters with the greys about how violent they really are. Many folk aren't as straightforward and they sugarcoat the truth, that's not me.

It all started when I was a child. They visited me every night, at first it was like a doctor's visit. They would take my blood or put me to sleep and I would wake up in my bed in the morning. Lord knows what they took out of me, better yet, put inside of me.

I remember the late night conversations.

I remember the fights, the tears, the abuse.

I remember trying to stay awake to catch them taking me.

You cannot outsmart the greys, they are beyond intelligent.

While I was on tour, going to conventions I met Damien Sitkowski. He was the most handsome man I had ever met in my entire life. We fell in love and within a year we got married. Damien is a conspiracy professor and he believes all that has happened to me. Later that same year of marriage, we decided to conceive a baby. Our son Topher Maynard Sitkowski was born on October 30th, 2009. He is now 6 years old and lately he has been very ill. Damien and I are beyond worried for Topher, whereby is common for a parent, but in this case I knew something else was happening. The greys left me alone, could it be? No..it wasn't. The greys left me alone and now they were abducting my son. He had these strange marks all over him, we didn't do it and Topher had said "the tall men said it was so they could know who I was." I was outraged, I was upset. I tried to stay awake and once more, catch them in the act. But I had no luck, I would fall asleep by 2:30 AM.

Topher would often stand in the playground staring at nothing with this odd, unnatural pose that wasn't in his character. This was not my son. Damien and I decided to take him someplace where they could aid us in helping our little boy. After a couple weeks in this program, designed to help children with mental illnesses. We all, including the doctors noticed a change in Topher. He stopped eating and only drank water, he looked like a little zombie. As a mother, I was distressed.

The greys sought to levy my little family for their horrendous experiments.

And at home odd events were also taking place. I would lose large chunks of my time with no memory of what I was doing. I would be laying in bed and would hear humming noise, they were faint, but I heard them. Sometimes I would also hear tapping, again they were faint.

Damien, however would sleepwalk, but hadn't since he was very young. When Topher was in the hospital, Damien started to sleepwalk again. And every day I would get a migraine along with it I would get very hot and a rash would appear all over my face.

On February 12th, 2015 I was laying in bed around 3:01 AM

I woke up, I couldn't move, I was paralyzed. Balls of light beamed into my room, Damien could only move his eyes and stare at me. Tears raced down both of our cheeks and could only speak in a barely coherent whisper "I love you" This was breaking my heart.

That morning we woke up after a rough night. To our surprise all of our can goods were stacked on the island in the kitchen. Who--whatever had done this, did it in such an elaborate way that when the light was turned on a symbol of an unknown solar system was on the ceiling. We called the police and they documented everything, and one of the younger officers stopped me and what he said, I will never forget. He hugs me and whispered into my ear "Stay strong, it only gets worse." I broke down in tears. Worse? Great, it was going to get worse than it already was.

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