The picture above is Diamond.
"She's has a bright personality, but stubborn and sticks up for anything she believes in. Even if she can't defend herself, she will certainly stick to it and to the bitter end." ~ ((Character Analysis #1))

     Me and Diamond both got a few glances. The stone paved road and my boots made a clacking sound as we made our way down to the multiple cafés, restaurants, boutiques, art studios, and more. The tall buildings held up screens that displayed the news. I nudged Diamonds arm, "Diamond! Look." I pointed to the large screen. Her bright complexion changed to a solemn stare. "Wha-?" She said in a breathless gasp.
     The headline read:  "BREAKING NEWS: Adajian activists kill 12 learning Magers'. Authorities say they can not find a motive as to why this happened but did say it was carried out by at least 4 individuals carrying firearms. They were wounded severely wounded by the 12 Magers but 1 ended up surviving and fleeing to another country and may possibly be here in Keegan. The survivor has not been identified. The only description was that he was thin, tall, and had an (and I quote) 'odd color of eyes'. Military decisions in multiple countries have been notified and are on the look out for him..."

     From there it went on to other news. Me and Diamond just stared blankly at the large screen that had brought us the terrible news. We gripped each other's hand firmly and slowly walked to a café and sat inside at one of the wooden tables. "I-I heard..." Diamond started slowly, "That people think we are monsters and some religious groups think we are demons. They don't want us around!" I nodded slowly and looked down. "They don't deserve to be protected!" I growled. The blue haired girl grabbed my hand, "Don't say that! They are not all bad."
"I know..." I said as my voice trailed off. "I wonder who the person escaped was. Just think, he could be right here!"
Diamond shivered, "Shut up! You always say stuff like that!"

     We both laughed, trying to forget the tragic news that didn't seem to really apply to anyone else besides those in the schools that trained Magers or anyone else related to that. A waiter came up to us and smiled. "Hello. What would you two like today?" She said getting out her pad and pen. I looked at Diamond and she nodded. "Two plain cheesecakes and two large chocolate milkshakes and two medium ice coffees." I said quickly, know exactly what we both wanted. She giggled and wrote it down. "You're either having a really bad day of a really good one." She said. "Both." Diamond said and she nodded. "I understand. It'll be right out." She walked off in a slouched lean in exhaustion. I looked at her in slight pity. "This is why people need to work out more." I said suddenly and rolled my eyes. She looked at me and giggled, "Yeah. Well, we have to be since someday we are going to be warriors!"

     She said this with excitement and clapped her hands together. Even though Diamond was very protective, she was also so transparent. I always knew what she was feeling. I smiled, "Yep. We can actually make a difference when we are official." I said and looked out of the window. I saw a few familiar faces from school walking around, browsing the windows of shops. Since today and tomorrow are free days for pretty much all of the students, most were out and shopping, going on dates, or catching up on any work. Monday would be the day most people would start getting switched in or out of classes depending on grades and Mage level. Since Mage Testing was also on Monday, it would probably take a while to evaluate all of the 1,809 students in the massive academy.

The brown-haired waiter brought us our "feel better" foods and drinks and both started on the cheesecake (as our tradition went), then the ice coffee, then finally, the large chocolate milkshake. Drinking it so fast, however, gave us both brain freezes. But we both just laughed at our stupidity. "We're so dumb." I giggled. She smiled at me, "Nah, you're smart."
"What ever you say."
"Your are though!"
"Are you saying you're not?" I tilted my head
looking at her.
"I don't know..." She shrugged. "But you're
probably way smarter than me."
"Don't say that. Even if you're not,
everyone has their perks. You are nice to
talk to, for
She smiled, "You mean that?"
I smiled in return and nodded.

She hen bursted out into laughter. I looked at her confused. "What? Was it something I said?!" I said, a little embarrassed. She continued laughing uncontrollably. "Diamond, shut up! You're being too loud!" I said looking around at the other people and mouthed "Sorry." to them. She sighed and wiped the tears of joy from her face. "Sorry, I just never heard you talk like that before. It makes me so happy." When she said that I hid my face as I felt my face grow red from embarrassment. "Y-yeah, well... Don't take it lightly. I don't say that very often." She giggled once again, "I know! I feel so special!" She said in a happy and bubbly voice.

"That's because you are." I said, tucking my gray hair behind my ear. We kept talking for about 15 more minuets and then decided to go shopping. We got up after paying and walked onto the stone-paved sidewalks. We walked closely to each other through the large city crowds. This was more of a walking street, so there were not many vehicles in sight. Only a few large vans and busses, carrying tourists in and out. We both walked up to the town square. In the center, a large fountain stood with many statues of worried of old. They were depicted as The Great Six who once stood here and fought for the people. Some don't really believe that they exist or that the legends are true, but I, on the other hand, did. A few younger group of children around the ages of 8-10 pointed at us and giggled excitedly.

     Then, they started to run up to us and smiled brightly. "Are you real Magers?" I smiled and riled my head, "How did you know?" The little girl pointed at our pins, "Only learning Magers get those!" I looked at my pin and then at her. "Yep." I kneel down I front of her. "Are you learning to become one?" She nodded excitedly, "Yes! We all are! We are trying to get into AIM when we get older!" She pointed to the large, floating, mass of land in the sky that I called my school. I messed her hair up and laughed and she giggled in response. "You'll get there if you work hard enough." The group mumbled to themselves and one at a time asked us any questions relating to school, rules, and how to become good Magers. We didn't know much about the spells and magic besides what we learned in school, but we tried our best to help them.

In the middle of our conversation, however, we were struck with someone unbelievable. At first I didn't recognize what was going on. I though maybe there was a fight going on between a few people who couldn't agree on something, but I then realized and thought to myself, 'No... This is something much worse.' Everything went in slow motion as I grabbed Diamonds hand and then crowded the children together. I couldn't hear anything over the loud bangs. It seemed and felt unreal. My mind was in a haze as a yelled "Run! Get away from here, everyone!"

After that is a blur.

Elements: The AwakeningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora