Azrial Adiran is an accomplished medical doctor in the Mage field. Though he is only 22, he earned his doctorate degree two years early. His background is very vague and no one really knows much about him. He has been seen at the school gym lifting 250lb, in the library finishing books in minutes, and going into a room of which no one knows what lays on the other side. No one beside him, I mean. The necklace he wears openly suggests a current/previous love life. ((Character Analysis #3))

I shut the door of my room and shuffled over to the bathroom and turned on the light. I looked in the mirror at reflection. The skin under my eyes were dark. I sighed, "I need sleep!" I groaned. I lifted my shirt to look at the scar from two days prior. It was mostly a burn, but hurt enough for it to feel like a bullet. "This'll leave a scar for sure..." As a freshman in high school, one must keep up appearances for her future reputation. Although, I didn't really care. It would scare people off if they happened to see it. I looked at the clock which read 5:34. I flopped on my bed and shut my eyes. I wonder when Diamond will be done... I got out my POD and started playing games. An unknown amount of time had passed when Diamond walked through the door. I looked at her and smiled, "About time." She sat on her bed and smiled, "Shut up! Now are you going to let me tell you what my Mage Crystal looked like or not?" I sat up, "Maybe." She rolled her eyes, "What ever. Anyway, it was so cool! It was about the size of my palm and it was bright blue! The color of clear water at a beach or a Diamond. Like my name!" She said excitedly. I chuckled, "Calm down! But that is pretty cool."
"What about yours?"
"Oh. Well... You're not going to believe this
but it was the size of my whole hand." Her eyes widened, "You're kidding." I shook my head. "100% truth. It was crazy!" She beamed with excitement. "Ah! That's so cool! You're going to be some genius Mager... Or something," I shrugged my shoulders, "Maybe." She smirked, "I can't wait to see the look on Venilia's face when you're 1# on the chart in the school."
I rolled my eyes, "Oh come on, Diamond. You know I won't be." She stood up and flicked me in the forehead. "Ow! What the fu-" She pointed at me. "Shut up and stop short changing yourself!" She yelled. "You're my best friend, and I will not let you talk about yourself like that!" I sat there with my jaw dropped and my eyes widened. Someone actually cared about me enough to slap the sense back into me. "Diamond..." My heart beat rapid and my eyes started water. I stood up and hugged her tightly. I didn't want her of all people to see me cry. "Oh my... Nova are you crying?" She said in a quiet voice. "N-No! Shut up!" She giggled and hugged me back.
      The rest of the day we hung out on our beds, snacked on candy, and played games. Around 10:30 was when she fell asleep. I, however, couldn't sleep. I didn't feel tired. The pain medications were supposed to make me feel tired enough to sleep but seemed to not be working. I groaned at sat up. I decided to go but a snack from the store. It was open until 12:00AM so I had time. I put some socks and then my sliders and quietly opened and shut the door, looking it, and making sure I had my key that I wore around my neck. I shivered a bit due to the winter air, but it didn't bother me too bad. I always liked the cold for some reason. It seemed to embrace me with open arms. I started to walked towards the state case. The top floors of the back hallways was where the dorms laid. It was so not just anyone could wonder into the school, steal something, then leave. Although, why anyone would dare to steal from a school full of Magers who deal magic is beyond me.
I walked down he stairs slowly so I didn't hurt myself too much and ended on the second floor and turned right down the school hallways. I could hear a few voices every now and then, but it was an overall quiet night. I found the snack bar and there running it was a student. It was obviously a new form of school punishment. I looked at him weird when I saw he was reading hentai. He glanced at me, "What do you want?" I looked at the short menu of snacks. "I'll have a doughnut... no actually two please." He held out his hand, "Three credits." I took out there credit coins and put them in his hand. He looked back at the book and walked over to the case that had the doughnuts and other pastries. He wrapped two glazed doughnuts and put them in a bag. He set it on the counter, "Don't get fat." I rolled my eyes, "Don't-" I was about to say something my smart ass self would say to start an argument, but stopped myself. "Have fun." I walked away. I pulled out one of the pastries and took a big bite out of it. I didn't normally allow myself to eat such fattening foods but today was special. Call it a celebration of sorts.
The other doughnut I got was for Diamond. She's been too good to me, and I haven't done shit. I don't know how to. Some have told me I'm too much like a sociopath. The least I could do at the moment would be to give her something. As I passed another hallway that connected to the one I was in, I heard a strange noise. I would describe what it sounded like, only I couldn't really put my finger on it. It sounded like some kind of monster... Although I'm sure what wasn't it at all. I forwarded my eyebrows. Not keeping my eyes off the hallway, I started to walking again. But not one step after, I ran into someone. I stumbled backwards and tried not to fall. If I did, it would hurt too much to get back up. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" I heard a familiar voice exclaim. I rubbed my side, feeling a sharp pain from my wound. "I-it's Fine..." I said and looked up. "Oh, hey Raiden. Why are you still up?" He looked around and seemed a little worried, "Hi. Have you seen Ven?" I tilted my head, "Who?"
"Venilia! Have you seen her?"
"No I haven't. Why?" I said carelessly and
took a bite of my sweet treat.
"I haven't seen her since lunch. She said she was going to do something and that it might take several hours. But I haven't seen her since."
"Maybe she's cheating on you." I said with a mouthful of food. He sighed, "I know you don't like her but I'm worried. Would you care if something happened to her?" I looked at him, "Whoa, I'm not a monster, Raiden. But you know she pushed me a few times. I'm not exactly very happy about that." He folded his arms and looked at me even more worried than before. "Have you seen her or not?" I shook my head, "No I haven't. Don't worry, I'm sure she's fine." He started to walk walk off when I pulled on his sleeve, "Hey," I pointed to the ground, "can you get that?" I said a little embarrassed I couldn't get it myself. He sighed and reached down and handed the falles bag. "I heard about what happened. Everyone did. You okay?" He handed the fallen object to me and I muttered a "Thanks." I then nodded my head, "Yeah I guess. I'm just not sleeping well because of it. He nodded and pressed his lips together. He then gave me a small wave, "See 'ya." I waved back, "Bye." He went off in a rush down the direction he was heading before and did the same. I like silence but it was a little too silent. It gave me the creeps. I shrugged and started back to my dorm.
       It took a bit to climb three floors up, but I'm managed to do it in about 30 minutes. I quietly unlocked and opened my door and shut it. I looked at the clock above my door. I huffed, "How is already 11:37?" I sat the bag on Diamonds nightstand and laid down on my bed. Of course I only got 1-2 hours of sleep... I think? They say that if you're awake more than 24 hours its like you have the blood alcohol level of .10. Maybe that's why I can't remember anything. I groaned and stretched. Tomorrow I'm supposed to check in with the doctor. Maybe he'll help... I just closed my eyes and daydreamed the rest of the night.

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