"Venilia Valentine comes from a rich family. Her parents both work constantly, giving her hardly any relationship with them. She often feels/acts tall, smart, and important around other to make herself seem weak, to defy her parents and older siblings. She constantly brags to her classmates to replace her lack of attention from her parents." ((Character Analysis #2))

The shots echoed throughout the whole town square as people screamed and ran from the unidentifiable threat. I started pushing the children in the opposite direction of the sound. What was even happening? I turned my head as I hurried, pushing the young ones away. My eyes widened. Who is that?! A tall figure in black stood at the center of the chaos. His long black cloak even seem disturbed by the commotion. He held a large Automatic Mage Amplifier, or a AMA in his hand. It was a type of gun that allowed a Mager to enhance damaging spells. It was reserved for Military only but I heard it sold big on the Black Market. (I did my research, okay). I felt my blood pressure sky rocket, my temperature rose, my heart started to race. I felt this before. I instinctively ran towards him, pushing everyone out of the way. I didn't look, but I knew my veins were once again glowing, showing though my skin. I didn't have a clear goal in mind, only to stop him. I ran as fast as I could and yelled, "Hey!" I at him. He turned at looked at me. Black consumed his eyes. He lifted the arms towards me.
     'Shit...' I thought, moments before he fired his weapon. I tried to dodge the black and red ray, but it was no use. It hit me in the side.

     It was not the magic itself what caused the pain, it was the electric shock that generated throughout my entire body. I fell and shook with the sudden burst of energy. I struggled to stay awake.


"I have to stop ... hi-"


    My eyes shot open and I sat up suddenly.  Everything felt numb, my nerves were tingling. "Ehh..." I groaned as I held my head. "What happened...?" I mumbled. I looked up and saw Diamond. She was saying something. "What?" She stopped and repeated herself but I heard nothing. "I can't hear you. Why am I back in here..." I then remembered what happened. "No... No! Don't tell me he got away! Was anyone hurt?!" I yelled deafly. The doctor I saw earlier that day walk in. I tried to get up but he just pushed me back down. I heard them talking but what they were saying was unheard.
I looked at him, "No! I have to get up! Let go!" Diamond rushed to the other side of the bed and held my hand and mouthed 'Rest' to me. I looked at her and then laid back down. Nothing was on my mind but the possible victims and the eager children that so wanted to be like me and my friend. I looked at the wall and beyond and zoned out. I ignored my pain and thought about who else might be in pain... or worse. It was the day after... It's probably on the news by now.

     Two days after the incident, it was finally time for Mage Testing. Everyone was talking about it. I was excited but I was still down. Every time I had a moment to freely think, I only thought about what happened in the town square. His gaze flashed in my mind 24/7. He seemed so familiar yet so foreign. What happened... What did he do after he shot me? Was he trying to kill me? The thought echoed throughout my mind until I heard, "Nova. You're up next. Which one of you is Nova?" I lifted my head and raise my hand. She nodded at me and motioned for me to follow her.
"Heard what happened a few days ago. How are you?" She said. She was one of the shorter teachers here, but one of the nicest. "I'm fine." I said distantly. "Understandable. Well, if you need anything, just ask me."
     "Thanks." I said smiling a little. We entered a room with a chair, a monitoring system, and a few instruments of which the purpose is unclear. "Have a seat." I nodded and sat down. "Now, just relax. Doctor Adiras ((No, not a typo)) will be in to do the tests. Just know that he will be drawing blood and doing an examination on your Mage Crystal." I nodded, "That's fine." She walked out. I sighed and laid back. I wasn't sure if I was anxious to find out what my Mage Level was, or scared to see if it was too low.
The Doctor walked in after a few minutes, "Hello, Miss Nova. Feeling better?" He said walking over to the monitor. "I guess." I shrugged. He nodded, "Well, it was quite the shock." He's right, a human would have been killed from it. I always feel asleep in class easily now. Sometimes I wasn't even tired, I would just simply pass out. "Okay, place your arm on the rest." I did so and he said, "This might hurt more/less then it normally would due to some possible nerve damage." I nodded. He then inserted a needle into my arm and attached a vile and blood started to pour out of the tube.
When the vile was filled he took the needle out and then held a cloth to me and I pressed it on the small injection sight. "Lay back, please." I did so and he pulled a monitor over my chest. He then went over to the monitor, placed the vile in the tester and then started to focus the screen in-front of me. "Ah, there it is." He mumbled.
"That didn't take long."
"Well, it's rather unusually large..." He clicked something on the monitor and walked over to my and pulled the screen away. "Would you like to see?" I nodded and got up from the chair. Looking to the monitor I saw a beating heart, and breathing lungs. In the center was a crystal as big as a hand, latched onto my heart and pumping magic throughout my whole body. "Hm, the motion picture shows your Mage Crystal pumping large amounts of magic. In all likelihood to repair your wound. That's quite interesting, this explains why you were not paralyzed in anyway. It's working so well you are able to walk so soon after your injury." He seemed in awe of it. I was surprised, a normal sized Mage Crystal was at least the size of ones palm, often less. "Incredible... Without a doubt, you are in a Mage Level is its own category."
"Wha-? Are you sure?" I questioned, not believing my ears. "I'll let you know. Have a good day, Nova." I nodded, "You too." I walked out of the room. Because I was still in pain, I only shuffled my feet. "Wow... My own Mage Category." I smirked to myself.

'We'll see.' I thought to myself as I slowly walked back to my room I shared with my closest friend, excited to share the news... With anyone.

Sorry it took so long for me to update, I'm a slow writer. Some of you tried to get a sneak peek. You know who you are hehe.

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