This is the Dean of AIM, Allora Blaze. She is often mistook as a child because of her looks, but her powers more than compensate for her short stature. She has a buddy personality, calm, and is often understanding towards her students. She will tutor students who are having trouble harnessing their magic, or those whose magic needs to be controlled.
((Character Analysis #5))
((So you know how I said there was going to be some gory scenes? Yep this is one of them.))

      Who ever attacked her covered her mouth. She kicked and hit them as much as she could. Her left arm was broken, but she still tried to use it. Watching made my toes curl. I started to hear her muffled screams grow louder- and then silence.
      Blood poured out of her throat as she clasped her hands around it. She started to choke and her eyes started watering. The attacker grabbed her broken arm and started dragging her. I moved out of the way and looked away from her, clenching my fists. She was dragged over to the wall where I saw he before. She was placed parallel to the wall. She was now not moving at all. He eyes started up to the ceiling blankly. She was dead. The killer moved her hands to her said and started to cut her shirt from the top and stopped at the middle. Then, I saw a her skin being cut deeply, cleanly. They ripped her skin so her part of her rib cage was visible. Then, the attacker ripped her ribs out. I cringed and turned away. I didn't want to see any more!
And as soon as I thought it, I could seen everyone again. I couldn't look anyone in the eye. "What did you see, Nova?" I gulped a little, "Nothing we already knew." I said. "I-I just couldn't watch anymore. I'm sorry." I looked down. "It's alright. Thank you. Did she say anything?" The Dean asked and I nodded. "When she fell, she said, 'Oh, thank God you're here.'" Allora hummed, "She probably knew or recognize her attacker then." I nodded, "Another thing... Who ever killed her ripped her ribs out..." I said, saying the last part quietly. "With their hands?" She said in a disgusted tone and I nodded. "Shit..." she mumbled to herself. "This is terrible. We need to shut down. Everyone will panic. We can not let anyone leave!" She said to her assistant. Her assistant was a tall, clumsy girl, maybe around the age and height of the Doctor. She pushed up her glasses, "Understood." The Captain spoke up, "Excuse me, how can we even trust her? Hm? She's only a kid. Teenagers tend to lie." I glared at him, "Excuse me, that's stereotypical." I said said shortly. The captain scoffed, "How dare you!" I chuckled sarcastically, "Oh no. Can the captain not handle my teenage impulse to speak out? Oh no!" I said over dramatically and sarcastically. I heard the Doctor laugh to himself. "You better watch yourself, kid." He said. "Oh no. I'm so scared. Please, I could take you down without even trying!" I grew angrier by the second. "Nova! That is enough. Both of you." I looked down at my hands. They were glowing purple. In the pool of blood I saw my eyes were the same.
"Tch." I sucked my teeth and started to walk away. "3:30 at my office, Nova." The Doctor said as I walked away. I sighed. Who he hell does that guy think he is? This is why this school hates the police. They always think we are going to do something stupid with our magic. I walked all the way back to my dorm, opened door and closed it again. Diamond jumped when she say me. "Calm down, it's just me." She sighed in relief, "Sorry. Thought you were someone else."
"'Someone else'? Like who?"
She shrugged, "No one. How'd it go?"
I looked down, "It was awful... who ever
killed her... it was so brutal."
"How so?"
"Her... uh, her throat was slit and the
attacker did something to her chest... Like
her chest was ripped open..." I said quietly.
She shivered, "Are you sure?" She asked. I nodded. "Damn..." she muttered. "This is terrible. What's worse is that the police captain that's leading the investigation probably thinks I did it." I sat down on my bed. "Why? Nova... what did you say?" I looked down. "Only that I could beat him up without even trying." Diamond sighed, "Nova!" she yelled. "Shut up. I know."
"This is terrible." She muttered again. "I know... It'll be ok, Diamond. I'll make sure nothing happens to you. You've done so much for me, I don't know what I'd do without you." I hugged my knees. "Nova, I just wanted to protect you. You spend so much time worrying about other things, you don't take care of yourself. You were shot! And you're running up and down stairs when you should be resting!" She raised her voice worryingly. I touched my hand to my side and looked down. "Sorry, Diamond." I said quietly. "It's okay. I guess I don't really know how to handle all of this. I don't know how you can be so calm." I shrugged lightly, "I guess I'm just used to this kind of stuff... sort of." I mumbled. I didn't want her to know that 2/3 of my life was missing from me. "That's not a good thing, y'know." She said looking directly at me. I looked at her, "I know."
      For the next several hours, we just sat there, waiting. I laid on my bed, staring at my clock. Time couldn't go any slower. One minute lasted an hour. One hour lasted a whole day. Me and Diamond didn't talk. There was nothing to say. We were scared and left with our thoughts. I thought about how Ven was killed, who might have killed her, and how Raiden must feel. I felt bad for him. Having your girlfriend killed, no matter how bitchy she was, is was terrible.
     I just stared at the ceiling until my appointment time with the Doc finally arrived.

I know, it's a shorter chapter but oh well, deal with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2018 ⏰

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