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When the brown eyed man had gone to F/n's apartment in the afternoon to hang out with her, he knew something was off. He couldn't put his finger on it, but something was different.

He looked around the apartment while waiting for the girl to come home from her classes. She didn't move anything around or get any new furniture. The same blanket and bed set were neatly folded on her bed along with the dressers that were placed on one of her walls. The long mirror that was placed on the ground of a free wall was still standing there, just like it always was.

Nothing was wrong with the kitchen. The spices were where they always were placed, along with cans of soup, and other food. The refrigerator didn't seem different at all. There was nothing on the counter except for an opened water bottle, which his elbow ended up hitting and knocking on the floor by accident. Water spilled on the sleeve of his sweater along with the floor of the kitchen.

Oikawa groaned, though he was thankful it wasn't soda or juice; that would've made a much bigger mess. He went over by the sink to grab a paper towel, and that's when he realized what was different. There were no dishes in the sink.

F/n always waited until she got home from classes before she washed dishes, never washing them in the morning or right after she ate. Oikawa didn't come over last night as she told him that she was studying at a friends house late into the night. He offered to take her home but she said that a friend had already driven her home, and when Oikawa asked to come over, she continued saying she was fine.

It was an unspoken routine of the girl, one that Oikawa knew she would never change unless something drastic happened.

Maybe she didn't eat last night.

He felt a pang of guilt rise in his chest just from the thought. F/n was his girlfriend, how could he allow her not to have dinner and overwork herself like that?

A small sigh escaped his lips once he remembered why he walked over to the area. He grabbed a few napkins and began wiping his sleeve before walking back over to the spill. The towels soaked up the water resulting in him throwing them in the trash before he went to sit on her couch that was in the lounge. He pulled his phone out of his pocket before scrolling through social media, nothing important catching his eyes at the time.

This wasn't an unusual scene. F/n and Oikawa had been dating for around six months now. She trusted him and he trusted her, resulting in both of them having keys to the others apartment. His classes ended up ending earlier than hers and it wasn't volleyball season,which is why almost every day he would go to her apartment after school.

Oikawa went from instagram to snapchat, viewing everyone's stories until he froze above one. He clicked Iwaizumi's name, and there he saw a smiling L/n. Oikawa's stomach churned, it twisted so hard that he felt like he was going to throw up.

But this was a good sight, right? This meant that his best friend and his girlfriend were friends, and that's something he's been wanting to happen. But somewhere deep in his heart, it hurt the tiniest. L/n was smiling so big, too big for anyone other than Oikawa to see.

No. He shook his head and rested his fingers on his temples, after dropping the phone in his lap. Oikawa Tōru was not the man to get possessive, especially after seeing a photo of his girlfriend on his best friends snapchat story.

It was just a picture, they were just friends.

He checked the time, four o'clock and L/n still wasn't home. His mind lingered onto the idea of the girl still being with Iwaizumi. What if they hung out after class, and L/n wasn't telling Oikawa? The picture of her was taken in a class room, so it had to be both of them in math. The timing of that had to be around noon, maybe at twelve o'clock.

Oikawa Tōru: Hey, are you okay?

He sent the message at three, an hour ago. His lips formed a straight line as he saw that there was no response. Nothing to tell him that his girl was okay. She could be with Iwaizumi, she could've gotten kidnapped, so many things could've happened to her. And Oikawa's nerves were at an all time high, his fingers moving around as his mind took him to dangerous places.

Oikawa called her. The phone that was pressed against his ear rang, and rang, and rang until her voicemail came up.

"Hey F/n-chan, I'm just calling to make sure everything is going good. I'm at your apartment right now and you still aren't here..." A large breath was taken before he continued speaking to the phone. "Sorry if I'm sounding up your ass, I just want to make sure you're completely fine right now. If yo-"

Before he could finish his verbal thoughts, the time of recording expired and with a beep, the phone call ended. Oikawa groaned as he began to stand up. He'd been at her apartment for two hours, and there had been no sign of her. He slipped his shoes on his feet as he put his sweatshirt back on.

He slid his phone in the back pocket of his slightly ripped jeans. When he passed by the mirror hanging on the wall in the hallway that lead to the door, he stopped to glance at himself. His hair was frizzy and curly all over, even though he styled it the morning before. A hand ran through it, as if it were supposed to look better after the fact, and he sighed as he turned his body towards the door of the apartment.

With each step, his shoes made a sound on the hard wood floor, something that he didn't realize was so reassuring. Because other than local restaurants and laundromats, L/n was the only one who had wood floor throughout her apartment.

The smell that lingered in the air was that of many combined. Most of it being the obvious cologne and natural scent of apples that Oikawa brought everywhere mixed with that of L/n's vanilla scented candles and the lavender soap she washed with. But there was also something else, but not that apparent that Oikawa thought of it for long.

Oikawa unlocked the door and opened it, then stepped out of the place that L/n called home. The halls seemed to take forever to walk through, but soon enough, Oikawa was stepping outside into the chilly air of Japan. He didn't realize it until he was outside the feeling of the fifty pound weight in his chest. Breathing seemed impossible for him, and he thought a panic attack was on the rise, but he calmed himself down. The breathing exercises that his old therapist told him helped him in situations like this.

Both of his hands grew sweat and clammy. When he rubbed his hands on his pants, they just became sweaty again. His lip was taken in between both his top and bottom tooth so harshly. When he looked down, trying to focus on his moving feet, his legs seemed so uncomfortably far away. His vision made him feel like he was dreaming, that what he was experiencing right now wasn't real.

With a shake of his head, he looked beyond him at the street, that seemed terribly endless. The street, that was never long in fact, seemed to go on for a thousand kilometers. Finally, he had to stop in his own foot traffic because he saw the red hand signalling to do so. Oikawa's head was still in and out of reality, and he knew he had to focus on something.

While he was standing still, he looked at a coffee shop that was across the street. People were in and out of the brown, wooden door. The logo showed a coffee mug with the brown caffeine spilling out of it. The flickering of the light that surrounded it made him feel worse though.

Oikawa looked inside the shop, the people who sat right beside the window looked like they weren't moving. A man with light brown skin wore a dark blue, denim button up shirt. His hair was familiarly spiky and messy, along with the dark eyes. The woman that sat across from the man had H/L H/C hair, that was neatly put up. She brushed a hand over the man's before she held his hand from across the small table.

He caught himself staring at the two almost familiar people before he heard a voice from behind him. "Son, we can walk now." An older man said as he continued walking in his path across the street. Oikawa thanked the man and bowed his head before he continued walking away from both the apartment and the coffee shop.

The empty, weighted, and uncomfortable feeling never escaping the pit of his stomach and the inside of his chest.

wow i love oikawa too much why i gotta hurt a brother like this

but thank you all for reading and sticking with this short story :) i appreciate all the reads, votes, and comments <333

be sure to check out my other fics :))

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