One More Chance

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Optimus' pov

"My maker, I do."

I didn't know why I let her convince me, I thought I was protecting earth but now I want to destroy it. Why? Some kind of magic possibly. Or Stockholm Syndrome.

She chained me up and tortured me, so why did I agree with her? I don't know. I was trying to fight it but to no avail. Every time I got even a sliver of control I got a horrible pounding helmache that made me feel like my helm was being smashed with a hammer.

I was driving to I don't even know where, just anywhere my body was taking me when I saw a portal open. I tried to stop but fell through, landing on my face after transforming. That smack helped me gain some control and I shook my helm, trying to keep it. I saw a glowing figure approaching.

Terrified of everything at this point, I scurried onto one knee, bowing to whoever this most-likely-greater-power is.

"No need to bow Optimus." I heard a deep voice say.

I looked up and shakily stood up with a gulp. The glowing figure got closer and my frame shook with fear. Will I be killed or punished for accidentally doing the wrong/right thing? I don't even know what it is anymore, I just wanted to be Prime again, not a knight anymore. I don't want to be a slave to her, just be Optimus, or innocent little Orion again.

"I am Alpha Trion. I brought you here to give you a chance to redeem yourself. You will be transported into another universe, timeline even, but I will not change anything about you. There is a way to overpower the evil, you just have to find a way to do that." He said, getting even closer.

"Yes, your honor." I said with a quick nod, not wanting to disrespect this 'Alpha Trion' because he was very clearly above me.

"Now, off you go." He said and I suddenly blacked out.

I woke up in a desert plain with a pounding helmache and the urge to destroy and kill. I shook my helm, standing up, and started to walk. I saw a portal open almost directly in front of me and several 'bots step through. My optics widened and I instantly took off in the opposite direction.

I looked behind me to see that they were chasing me, the tallest mech in front. He looked fierce and threatening with that angry look in his optics and that battle mask on. It only scared me more and I pushed my body to go faster, my intakes starting to burn and I started to make a slight wheezing/whistling noise that only got worse as I ran. My vocal cords were tightening, that's not good, I need to stop soon, but I can't let them catch me!

I stumbled and coughed but caught my balance and kept running, feeling nauseous, hearing the energon rushing past my audio receptors, my legs burning and my intakes tight and stinging. I could feel my legs starting to give out as energon came up my esophagus, making it impossible for me to vent. I collapsed, coughing violently and vomited, energon spewing from my mouth. The pedesteps behind me slowed, close.

My spark pounded in its chamber, I was nervous and chanced a look behind me after my puking stopped.

"Primus, you're fast." The bulky green one said.

I couldn't say anything as I tried to control my venting instead of hyperventilating. I sat in the shade of the canyons and breathed in slowly through my intakes and slowly out through my mouth, my vocal cords slowly relaxed and the weird loud wheezing sound went away after a few minutes. My helm felt like it was being split in half as I looked up at them, shielding my optics from the sunlight. Who I'm guessing is the leader kneeled down to meet my optics.

I didn't say anything until spoken to, not wanting to be punished or killed. He still looked not very nice, his optics hard and he didn't look happy. Was he mad at me? I hope not.

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