Creeping Back In

764 19 22

Orion's Pov

When the alarm rung, I flinched a little before letting out a soft growl. I stood up and stretched out since I hadn't fought in awhile. Cracking my neck and knuckles, I shook off the stiffness in my body. Ratchet opened the ground bridge and Optimus and I ran through, looking around once we were out. I saw the Deception warship and my vents flared a little as the others ran in behind us. I felt my optics dilating as drones flew toward us, so I used my pede boosters to  fly up into the air, taking out my sword.

"Do you know who I am?" I asked them as they flew around me. They didn't answer so I spun and cut through each of their power cores, killing them instantly, and started to fly off towards the ship.

"Megatron! Come out and face me yourself your coward!!" I demanded, letting my war mindset take over so I wouldn't feel bad about causing pain while I'm fighting so I can mourn later. For now, I just needed to focus on Megatron and getting rid of him, at least temporarily. Once I saw him come down, I followed him to a plateau where he landed, and I touched down too.

"What is your name?" He asked, a sick smirk on his face. I glared at him, sliding my battle mask on, and I gave a loud, deep snarl.

"My name is Optimus Prime, you're Megatron, correct?" I asked, already loathing the sight of him. He nodded before stepping forward towards me.

"How can you possibly be Optimus Prime, when Prime is down there, just watching while you do his dirty work?" He asked, but I only stared at him before smirking under my battle mask.

"Like this." Were the only two words I said before sprinting forwards and slashing him across the face, dragging it down into his chest, digging at deep as I could with the single cut before cleanly slicing off his arm, pivoting around 360° and cutting through his neck cables. He cried out and backed up, collapsing, as he looked up with a look of fear and shock as he held his throat with his only servo, backing up. I felt my frame transforming, and I got a little smaller, thinner, yet still just as tough.

Megatron didn't seem to know how to react for a moment before he lunged at me, pulling out his blade. I slid out my energon blade, which was blazing hot, and blocked his attack. His blade started to melt when it touched mine, and I took his shock as an opportunity to kick him in the knees and stab through his torso as I looked right into his eyes.

"Megatron... You sick fuck..." I muttered to him, and he groaned before weakly chuckling.

"I guess I did turn sadistic and sick... didn't I?" He asked, groaning, but he didn't sound even remotely sorry about it.

"I enjoyed tearing apart autobots, they put up a good fight... But they were just more targets..." He then started to laugh, as if he wasn't stabbed through the stomach, but then I felt a searing pain in my shoulder, and Megatron ripped off my arm... just like Sentinel... No, I can't focus in that now.

I shook my helm rapidly and pulled away, quickly pulling out my axe and shoving it into Megatron's skull, yanking off his helm along with most of his spine, dropping it just before my emotional shield dropped. Once I realized what had happened, I fell to my knees and puked, revolted at what I done... I started to cry, curling into a ball once I finished puking up energon... It hurts... I want Optimus, I want to go home... I looked over to Megatron's body, hoping he would move, but nothing happened. I suddenly started to just scream. I didn't know why, but I wanted to, so I did. As I screamed, tears leaked down my cheeks, and I went on for about five minutes before just completely breaking down... my mind shut off... I didn't know what to do and I didn't know where I was... so I did the only thing I could do, which was cry until I was tended to. Soon, I heard engine noise just barely audible over my broken wailing and I heard five bots transform, coming nearer.

I started to shiver, feeling cold and afraid, looking around blindly until I saw the faint red and blue figure of Optimus. He kneeled down and tried to gently move me, but as soon as I was even touched, I only cried harder, pain shooting through my body like bullets. Ratchet said something and suddenly I was lifted up into someone's arms, but the pain my body got worse so I buried my face in their neck as I screamed and cried, vision going white as I clung to them. Soon enough, I was laid down on a berth and I suddenly blacked out.

I woke up awhile later, groaning softly as I sighed, rolling onto my side a little. I felt much better, but I had a splitting helmache and stinging in my shoulder. When I looked over, I saw that my arm was... back? What happened? How long was I out? I looked around at the base, everything seemed normal, but the lights had been turned off except for a few, and no one was around. I carefully got up and started to go down the hall, being as quiet as possible, and quietly slipped into Optimus's room. I crawled into the berth with him and cuddled against him as he curled around me, seeming to have been half awake.

"Orion... you're awake..." He muttered, kissing my helm gently. I nodded and looked up at him.

"What happened?" I asked softly, holding his servo.

"You passed out once you finished your story and started to thrash and scream after about 20 minutes, then you went still for a few hours and we went to bed." He said softly, stroking my cheek. My optics widened a little.

"My dreams felt so real... Quintessa must have simulated the real world while I was out." I said softly as I leaned into his touch with a gentle purr.

"What happened in your dreams?" He asked, tilting his helm a little as he woke up more, interested.

"Well, the alarm when off, and I went into battle instead of you. I... had killed Megatron in the same way that I killed the Megatron from my universe..." I said softly, sighing in slight frustration at the dream. He smiled a little to me and nuzzled my nose.

"It's okay. You didn't actually kill him. He's still alive." He said and laid back down, so I laid next to him and closed my optics, yawning. He pulled me closer and I curled up happily against him, starting to drift off again since having nightmares is exhausting. But, as I fell asleep, I just barely heard a soft chuckle and a feminine voice say, "You are such a fool, Optimus. You are my creation, I will always control you..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2019 ⏰

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