Queef finds lasagnes diary

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Keef was expeditiously spladazzling around the hoose. His r00m was locked so he cried. He stumbled into lasagnes room and saw his 68 body pillows of erecc shrecc's thicc green dicc. Then he spotted a book lying on top of lances favourite thong. It was a diary. Queef graciously wrapped his slim fingers around the spine of the book before lifting it up to his face. He licked it, savouring the taste of Lance, and opened it up using his tongue.

Page one:

Dear Diary. ''Tis me, sir Lancelot mcgayn. I'm fucking bi. Bi bi hoe shit.
I watched keef in the shower. That is all. Goodbye.

Keith looked at the fucking page and slammed his fucking dick on a table. Then he licked lances handwriting before continuing to page two

Deer shit is my favourite food diary. I ate pidges shit without them knowing. I also found a bunch of cat shit in Coran a moustache. I was under Keith's bed lol he was wankin that big ol spatula dick while holding a picture of me. Ya know he could just ask me fml.

Keeef blushed and slid his hands down his pants and started jerkin that shit. He came ALL OVER the diary and glued it shut with his spunk. Little did he know, Lance was standing at the door with a giant spatula up his butthole...

Razzle Dazzle time!! //Klance Where stories live. Discover now