Reviving lasagne

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Lance was still breathing. Except, he wasn't actually breathing. His dick was pumping hard with arousal, sending pulses throughout his whole entire body and giving the illusion that he was breathing. Keith begun to cry. Allura went out the room to have a threesome with coran and shiro. Hunk went to visit pidge. Keith was all alone with lances horny pulsing body. Suddenly, he had an idea. he reached inside of his neck vagina and pulled out a few knives, reaching deeper until he reached his own stomach. He pulled out some sloppy shit pancakes that were failing to be digested. Queef gently placed the shit pancakes in lances asshole-and suddenly, HE WOKE UP!

Keith smiled creepily. He ripped off lances shirt and started to ride one of his elongated nipples.

lance moaned. then lance took another spatula out of his ass-this one stained with cat shit- and fladazzled it 'straight' into keiths belly button.

keith had a foot fetish so fish grew in-between his toes and he used them to swim up in lances asshole. keiths fish foot razzle dazzled out of lances mouth, causing him to puke up a ton of cat shit. the end.

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