More than friends?- Jadley

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Brads POV*
I recently moved house from my old one bedroom apartment into a three bedroom house. I decided I'm going to ask my best friend James for help with unpacking my furniture and other things. You see, there is an issue with being 'best friends' with James. Why? You ask, well because I'm secretly in love with James and everything he does. I know, I know it's wrong to be in love with your best friend, but honestly I can't help myself he is one of the sweetest people I know and have you seen how gorgeous he? Exactly my point.
I call him up "hey Brad, everything okay?" He asks " yes, everything is fine just calling to ask you if you could help me unpack furniture?"
"Of course I can help you!"
"Really? Because you don't have to if you don't want to"
"of course I'll help, it's what best friends are for!" "Okay thanks so much, bye"
"Bye". I ended the call and sat daydreaming until James got here.

James' POV*
I internally cringed when I said 'best friends' because I am so madly in love with Brad, but there is no way I would end up with him. I mean, yes we are both gay but that goes for nothing, right? As I make my way over to Brads new house, I start debating with myself whether or not to confess my feelings to him. In the end I decide it would be better if I just confess them and get it over with. I decide that the minute I walk in I'm just going to ask him to talk and then just tell him straight. I pull up outside his house and get out of the car, as I'm walking up to the door my hands are sweating. I knock on the door and Brad answers.
" hey James!" He says and gives me a hug
" hey Brad, is there a chance I could speak to you?" I ask nervously
" sure, is everything okay?"
" I just need to confess something to you"
We walk into his living room and sit down
" I don't know how to say this" I say
" it's okay James, you know you can tell me anything"
"Iminlovewithyou" is ya so quickly I couldn't even understand what I said
" could you repeat that? Maybe a bit slower this  time?" He chuckles
" I-I'm in love with you" I stutter out
He just looks at me with pure shock on his face.
He looks at me for a second and then grabs my face and smashes our lips together. We pull apart and look into each others eyes
"I love you too" he says with a smile
" Bradley Will Simpson, will you be my boyfriend?" I ask him confidently
"James Mcvey, I will gladly be your boyfriend"
With that we share a passionate kiss.


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