Exposed- Jadley

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This was a request by @life_of_tradley
I hope this is what you imagined.
Brads POV*i
We are playing in Manchester tonight, and it is currently five minutes to stage. We all do our routine of rubbing our chins together before the show for good luck. It was thirty second to sstage and I give my boyfriend, James a kiss before we go on. You see, the fans don't know about our relationship because we don't feel  tuready enough to tell them. We all bounce out in stage and start with somebody to you, about half way through the show I go saunter over to James. "You look amazing tonight babe, and your doing amazing aswell. I love you" I said what I thought was quiet enough so the mics wouldn't pick it up, but since luck seems to never be in my favour the mics did pick it up and the arena went insane. Once I realised my mistake I started rambling on to James about how much I'm sorry. Whilst the fans were going insane, me and James went up to the mic. "I guess you have all gathered that me and Brad are in a relationship together" James said into the mic "we both love each other so much and no amount of hate can break us apart" I said. We both smashed our lips together with so much passion on stage that I could tell that nothing could break us up.
Once we finish the show we headed straight back to the hotel. The minute me and James got back to our room I immediately started to apologise to him " I'm so sorry baby, I honestly didn't mean to do that. I thought I said it quiet enough" by this time I was sobbing my heart out to him. " aw baby, there's no need to cry. I know you didn't mean it and look on the bright side. At least we don't have to explain we are in a relationship" he chuckled and wiped my tears away. After that we both just got undressed and got into bed, I got in in front of James and just cuddled into his chest. We both fell asleep that night feeling loved and content with each other.
I know this is really short but I tried. I hope this is what you kinda hoped for but if not at least I tried, right?

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