And you would of thought i was crazy part: 3

562 31 28

O boiii am I late with this part

Hahaha AAA a



Enjoy I guess

Also don't play the music until stated to
Of course unless your a rebel or something idc it won't really change much on how you veiw things most likely


Inks POV

It had been only four days since Geno seemingly left and things went downhill after wards FAST

It seemed things weren't going to get better anytime soon either

"cross DID WHAT!?!!?" Ink allowed his bone fingers to dig deeply into the table that he was standing in front of as he glared ... Not particularly at outer who just happened to be sitting in front of him but it must of seemed that way to him because the skeleton flinched at inks sudden outburst, even letting out a soft quiet almost fearful whine.the action making ink automatically regret the way he had lashed out suddenly..

But he couldn't help it, he was so stressed Lately and the littlest things were now triggering him.. Though this was nothing little

His last hope


Had betrayed him

There I go again scaring everyone off like I did to Geno...

Ink dug his fingers into the wood of the table deeper giving it absolutely no mercy at all, it was a bad habit he honestly had formed up ever since Geno's disappearance and.. Now crosses

the only difference was they knew exactly where cross had went

With the werewolf's

Those awful.. Disgusting creatures

Had been part of the reason I even considered having Geno to go back to vampire territory...

i should had explained how messed up everything had gotten..

Maybe then he would of understood..

And not run off.

Then cross wouldn't had reason to betray us either...

Everything would had been fine if I hadn't said those horrible words ..


The words echoed in his head screaming.. taunting

BURNING the image of geno coming to tears and storming off haunting him

It was awful

And to think he even Tried to insist geno would be fine and told those who wanted to search for him not to bother

I'm awful..I m almost tempted to humor my own words and walk to the vampire king himself and ask if he would take ME in as a damn blood bank as punishment for even remotely thinking that somehow those words were OK

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