Legit me not so long ago

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I woke up and I'm just like "BLOODY HELL?!"

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I woke up and I'm just like "BLOODY HELL?!"

I realize I'm home but I go around touching things , making sure I am where I think I was and I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror and m like

"....shit.  Reality"

I had a fookin badass dream that wattpad was mixed into reality and you could hang with ur wattpad friends IRL (including my Texas boy sweetheart >:3 )

It was the shit.   I swear. Life should be that amazing

The dream is fuzzy but what I feel I can remember is that it was the bomb

And u could tell who is who with one look cuz its like u can see their. Username (I guess think of SAO for some sort of understanding)

But yeah

Moral: Reality isn't that good.

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