8💎My questions are answered

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By the time I woke up my hands were completely bandaged and a boy with an extremely nice ran and shaggy sandy hair looked down on me and smiled.
"Where am I?" from guessing I was probably in an infirmary "Wait where's Nico".

"Firstly You are in the Infirmary but we have to go for the campfire" he took a really short breath then spoke really quickly "Also Nico and I are taking so we will be holding hands at the campsite and .....".

He trailed off as Nico came in and said "Will we gotta go " and jerked his head towards the door. I looked outside to see it was dark, How long had I been unconscious? From guessing it looked about 9 to 12 hours maximum.

I got up and stretched my arms , there was no pain in my legs and I  could walk.I was still wearing the muddy red dress and the hightops were gone and replaced with a very light shade of pink sneakers that had silver laces. I quickly yanked off the bandages to see my hands were badly affected but I didn't let bother me I let it slip by Me, every once in a while it would feel like Leo had set it on fire but it didn't bother me. I just gritted my teeth when I had to pick up any thing heavy.

I couldn't go to the campfire looking like that so I rumadged through all the draws until I found some jeans and a yellow jumper to go with it. I kept the sneakers since I couldn't find any shoes. I was even lucky there were spare clothes I would have refused to wear a hospital gown.

I walked towards the woods whe're there as a fire and around 40 children gathered around in a huge circle. I slowly sat down as Percy was speaking about how we shouldn't be calling him Seaweed Brain or else we'd find ourselves in pool clean up duty for a month. One kid asked if we even had a pool and Percy told him to shut up. Then the whole school burst into a got fit of outrageous FOREVER lasting laughter.

A few unlucky souls were chosen to sing, on girl sang 100 bottles of milk on the wall and they had to pry her shut up. Will( I think that's what his name was ) and Nico were holding hands Will was smiling insanely as Nico was blushing like crazy. A few awww's came from Hazel and Percy and Annabeth and Jason, but besides that no one really noticed.

Suddenly a group out of kids (they looked about between the ages of 7 and 5) stopped talking and looked at me. One girl said
"I've never seen you here before" she confused she was wearing a Harry Potter shirt making me think that she was a daughter of Hecate. Or she was just your everyday potterhead I went with the first one because it made me sound smart.

"Yeah because I've been here for like about 3 days." I said trying to put on a warm smile for the kids.
A boy with short blond hair gasped and said "Well you should  come to training you can get a weapon there." They disbanded of into there group and started chatting about which  My little pony movie as the best. I thought the new was the best the animation is great, by alas I'm not a 7 year old anymore so my opinions are as useful as broccoli is tasty.

I kept on thinking about it and in the end my feet were walking and my hands picked up a long silver sword. I gritted my teeth as I picked it up, it was not heavy just I felt weird in my hands.
I tried to do some classic moves but ended up nearly killing a raven by decapitation and believe me it was  not pretty. I dropped the sword quickly and ran to sit beside Annabeth and Percy pretending it wasn't me and I was just a curious bystander.

I watched them chat about light things like when Percy was going to get his sword cleaned (and ladies and gentlemen it went 1 to 100 real quick) they started talking about serious things like the Argo II and how they went to hell and back. It was such and emotionally challenging scene that I had to leave before I started crying.

I decided that I should try shoot a bow and arrow. I picked up the nearest one and pulled an arrow from the training centre owned quiver, I held it back really hard (I went to camps like this and I learnt how to shoot a good arrow of two) it felt as if the string was about to go snap. I let go and the arrow swivels and hit its target perfectly the only problem was, that, instead of a black head on the arrow it was  covered in pink dust. My head was turned as I felt external uncomfortable as my jeans flashed into something light and pink.

Everyone stopped and gasped.

Above my head was the sign of......

Eros  (aka cupid)he is basically the god of love but how could I be the daughter if I could barely look Zackery in the eye without blushing like mad or without being drunk. Sometimes I wonder if my life could be a book then I look down at what I'm writing and facepalm. The mysteries of my life.


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