Chapter Six

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I'm running in a forest cloaked in darkness. Each step I take is slower than the last.

I'm not strong enough.

I can hear paws thumping on the forest floor behind me. They're chasing me.

They're getting closer.

I'm frantically searching for somewhere, anywhere, to hide. The moon's light does not shine on me.

My heart is thumping in my chest. Can they hear it?

Wait, I'm a werewolf. I can call my pack. I can howl for help.

I stop in my tracks and let forth a deep and long howl. I beg my friends, my mate, anyone to come and save me.

Nobody answers.

Nobody is coming and I've run out of time.

I swivel my head behind me, to face my pursuer head on. A large male wolf slides to a stop before me.

He is dark.

I can sense his darkness. How can I sense him?

His sleek black fur is immaculate, not a single hair out of place despite the vicious chase he was on just moments before. You could see that his eyes were bright yellow, but they were hidden beneath the broken blood vessels in them. I'd never seen such bloodshot eyes. He snarls at me and with his snarl his rotting and yellow teeth are revealed. He is truly a disgustingly wretched beast.

Except for his power.

His power and darkness cascaded off of him in tidal waves that nearly knocked me into the ground. He growls at me and I can feel it rumbling deep within my very soul.

I look around for somewhere to run when a sharp pain pierces my mind and locks me into place.

You can't run from me.

His voice rips it's way into my mind. It doesn't belong there and it burns me. My name sounds dirty and tainted coming from him. How does he even know it? Who is this horrid wolf?

I howl again, this time in fear and pain. I hope Kai or anyone can save me.

His sinister laughter echoes through my own mind, bouncing off of the walls in my head.

No one is coming to save you, pup. No one can protect you from me, not even your Alpha mate.

I whimper in pain. His voice doesn't belong in my head and my mind is rebelling against this wicked wolf. I can't stop myself as I collapse on the ground. I pant heavily and look up at my adversary. He looks down upon me with a wolfish grin.

Everything starts to fade into darkness.

I'm coming for you, Luna.


My eyes fly open and I sit straight up. My breath catches in my throat and I fail to suppress a scream. My sweat is glistening on my body as I look down. I'm hyperventilating and can't get a grip. I've had the same exact dream, the nightmare of my father's death, for the past 5 months. Why was this time different? It seemed so real, but it was so strange. It felt wrong. Everything about it felt unnatural and I felt disgusting just having experienced it. It almost felt like I was going to be sick. I'm panting and trying to take in as much oxygen as possible when Kai bursts into the room through our connected bathroom.

"What's wrong, little wolf?"

I was right before. I am definitely going to be sick. I leaped out of my bed to the bathroom and raced past Kai. I hurled my greasy dinner into the toilet, sobbing as I did so. Kai followed closely behind me and rubbed my back as I emptied the contents of my stomach. The first decent meal I was able to eat in months and I lost it over some nightmare. My body felt the need to expel whatever the hell I experienced within that dream, for some reason. I don't know exactly what happened but I know that it was wrong. It didn't make any sense. Once I had finished puking I stood up. I turned to the skin and splashed some cool water on my face. Kai handed me a small cup of water and a toothbrush. He looked extremely concerned, but he was being patient and helpful before bombarding me with questions. I finished brushing my teeth and grabbed his hand to lead him over to my bed and sat down. I was correct on Kai's intent because the moment it was calm he started throwing questions at me.

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