Chapter Twelve

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When I woke the next morning I started my routines as I normally do, the only difference was I was in a hospital room instead of my own room at home. I couldn't' allow the change in scenery distract me from doing what needed to be done. It took me quite some time to fall asleep as I had planned last night, and most of that time was spent thinking of Giselle. I could not fathom what was going through her mind as I didn't write to her, not even once. I didn't even know if she had tried to write to me. Did she even care that I was borderline missing? I know that I was supposed to be gone, but I had promised to contact her. Did she assume I didn't care? Did she not care? I shook my head quickly, hoping to fling the thoughts from my brain. I couldn't allow myself to travel down this rabbit hole again, at least not right now. I had far more important things to do.

Once I was finally clean, fed, and dressed. I grabbed the skittish nurse from yesterday and asked him to take me to James's room. He began leading the way down the hall and it wasn't long before he stopped in front of another room quite similar to my own. I thanked him and he very nearly ran off. I must have scared him a lot yesterday. I took a deep breath before entering James's room. It surprised me that he was awake before I was, but it had only happened moments before, to the point that the same nurse didn't even know he was awake. I had thought he was so much worse off than I was, when our injuries were of the same level. The only real difference was that his were much more visible than mine. It was time to see what those very visible injuries did to him and to stop stalling, so I pushed open the door.

"Finally, It's good to see you, Alpha. I heard about your injuries and was relieved when Alpha Christian told me you were alright." I almost cringed at the sound of my title. This man had given his life for mine, or had completely intended to. It seemed wrong for him to call me Alpha when I would not be one were it without him. I suddenly realized how Giselle felt. She did not want a title to get in the way of a relationship with a person. She was Giselle before she was the Luna. I had always been an Alpha's son, but my friends didn't call me Alpha until the title was my own. I was Kai before I was the Alpha. James was my friend before I was his leader. He saved his friend, as well as his Alpha, and I wouldn't allow him to address me as such ever again.

"It's good to see you too, James. I'm glad you're okay. I get to tell you how stupid you are for what you did now." I couldn't help but smirk at him as I said that. "You saved my life, though, and I am forever in your debt my friend. I want to give you something." He began to protest, but I quieted him with a look before continuing. "It's not much, and if you ever want anything more then you only have to ask. I release you from the obligation of addressing me as Alpha."

"You what?!" The look on his face was nearly hilarious. His eyes were wide with disbelief and if this wasn't a reward then I would be satisfied with doing this just to see his face alone. I knew he was astounded, and rightly so, but I just couldn't stop myself from laughing anymore.

"Your face! Oh, that's good." A few more low chuckles made their way out as I calmed down, but I continued to explain for his sake. "I do mean it, though. You saved my life, James. You put yourself and your future on the line for me. The greatest sacrifice anyone has ever made for me and it doesn't feel right for you to address me with a title when you've proven yourself as my greatest friend. I will never forget what you've done for me. You've earned the right to call me by name, as you've earned the right to be called brother. You're family to me now, and family uses no titles."

He was silent for a moment. His face slowly transforming from one of shock to one so very pensive. After I had finished my small speech, he sat for a moment. I knew it was a lot to take in and it was unlike me to be so open in regards to any sort of friendship ever since I became the Alpha. Maybe it was Giselle and her influence on me or maybe it was my near death experience that had such an effect, hell, it could have even been both.

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