Chapter Thirteen

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We've come a long way in the last few days, but still have a long way to go. I've been hard at work. It's taken a lot of effort to bring myself back up to par for the inevitable battle we're set to face, as well as helping to prepare Chris's warriors. His lands were isolated. They didn't face much opposition. The only pack they were connected to was my own and I would never dream of taking him on. What they lacked in skill and strategy they made up for in strength and endurance. The winters here were harsh and long. Any wolf in this area needs to be prepared to hold out and withstand poor weather and looming starvation in case a storm were to strike and trap them in their homes. This skill is definitely the strongest they have and it shows in their training. They would last in a long battle, if their opponents ever decided to try and wait them out then they would certainly lose.

James definitely agreed with me on this matter, and as his health improved he became more involved. He was one of my best warriors, so his assistance in training was invaluable. Christian and Tyrra were wise leaders. While there were some who would take our assistance as insult, they understood that it was necessary. They took our help on and called it blessing when addressing their warriors. It had been a long time since his wolves were in battle. They had not engaged in a true test of life versus death in many decades. Any techniques we had to offer would only help. We continued this regime for a little over a week before we decided it was time to begin discussion over travel. I was needed back home. I had been gone far too long and the warriors would continue to learn, but alongside my own pack members. Each pack bringing out the best in each other.

James, Christian, and Christian's beta, Leo, were all meeting with me in Christian's home. We sat down around his coffee table and discussed our means of travel. I couldn't help but find myself lost in other thoughts, however. I've been so ecstatic at the thought of returning home. I greatly missed my mate. I had made the choice earlier in the week to simply wait to speak with her when I returned. Any correspondence I sent would arrive shortly before I myself would and she wouldn't even be able to reply. There was just too much that had happened to try and write it all down in one letter. I think also, maybe, in part I was afraid. I was fearful of what she thought or felt about my lack of contact. Did I hurt her? Did she care at all? Was she worried for me? There was just too many questions to answer that I didn't seem able to write it down. I simply wanted to be home with her and take her into my arms. I realized that I had missed a fair bit of the conversation, but it was most common sense and formalities. Leo would be taking charge while we were away, so the only thing we had to discuss now was how quickly we planned to travel. I excused myself from the conversation to the kitchen for a moment. I needed to recollect my thoughts before rejoining the conversation, unfortunately I had no such luck. Shortly after I entered the kitchen, Tyrra walked in and she definitely had something she wanted to say.

"Alpha Kai. I don't mean to intrude, but I was wondering if I could have just a moment of your time?"

"Of course, Luna Tyrra. What can I do for you?"

"I know that you're planning your leave. I know you all plan to leave soon, but I just found my mate. I don't want to be apart from him. I understand that you can't afford to do this without him, but he won't allow me to travel with you all either. He claims that it's unsafe. He won't even discuss the idea of it with me." This was dangerous territory for me, while I understand her need for counsel it is not within my rights to have say in the personal life of a fellow Alpha. I needed to tread carefully here.

"And you see fault with his decision?"

"I would never doubt my mate, my Alpha, but I cannot argue with the fact that I am safest in his company. The pack lands are absolutely the safest environment, but there is no one who would keep me from harm as my mate would. There may even be some who would look away should one of ill will knock upon my door."

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