Chapter Five- Science Project

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It's been three days since the whole 'incident' with Kyungsoo and Jongin. They have started to talk to each other a little bit but there's still the awkward tension between them both. When talking, Kyungsoo looks everywhere but Jongin's face. Jongin still hates his friends for that.

His friends are so dirty, too. They've been imitating the way Kyungsoo moaned whenever they got the chance. If Jongin was at his locker, Chanyeol comes up and says a dirty joke in his ear. During lunch, Baekhyun will lean over the table and do exactly what Chanyeol did. Jongin doesn't want to admit this, but he gets turned on each time his friends tease him, which is not good.

Sometimes Jongin really wants to kill himself. He just wants to dig a hole and bury himself. But at the same time, he doesn't really want to die. Jongin's too young to die. He still wants to live a normal life and have a job and a family and kids and... I need to stop.

Jongin walks into Science class, his least favourite subject in history. It was even worse than English! Luckily, Kyungsoo sits in front of the class while Jongin sits two desks near the back of the class, so he doesn't have to face Kyungsoo. The good thing about science is that it is the only class where Jongin and Kyungsoo don't sit near each other.

The door opens and his science teacher, Mr. Lee, strides in, looking like the proudest man on earth. "Ok class. Today I'm assigning you all a new project." The whole class boos at this and a lot of people start whining. Jongin doesn't mind the projects that much. They are actually pretty easy.

"Quiet down! Now this project will be done in pairs. And no you can not choose your own partner. I have already chosen your partners for you." More whining. "You're very welcome. Now I will announce your partners."

Jongin really likes Mr. Lee. He is his favourite teacher in this whole school. Mr. Lee is amazing. He's the only teacher that lets social media in the class and let's them text when they shouldn't be. And other than Ms. Jung, he's the only teacher that actually lets Jongin do what he wants. The only thing he hates about Mr. Lee is that he teaches the worst subject in the history of subjects.

"Ok so group number one, Tao and Kris." Jongin turns around to see his friend red faced and staring down at his hands. He honestly felt really happy for Tao. "Group number two, Kyungsoo and Jongin." Forget about him being Jongin's favourite teacher, he's officially the worst teacher ever.

Jongin cries on the inside. Why can't people just let him live his life?! Life really hates him, Jongin figures. Maybe Jongin should reconsider digging that hole.


Jongin opens his locker and puts all his books away. "Jonginnie!" Jongin barely has anytime to turn around and see who it is before he gets trampled by Tao and Yixing. Baekhyun and Chanyeol walk behind them, holding hands. Sometimes Jongin really envies those two.

"Hey," Jongin says.

"Hey? That's all you gotta say to us? Bruh you didn't see us since lunch. Come on don't tell me you didn't miss me." Chanyeol smirks as he lets go of Baekhyun's hand and immediately traps Jongin in a headlock, blocking all his air supply.

Why was Baekhyun and Chanyeol so similar when it came to this? Jongin has never thought that they were more meant for each other. And Jongin doesn't even want to think of what their children will turn out like.

"What else do you want me to say?" Jongin struggles to say, his voice hoarse. Chanyeol just laughs and continues walking, their friends behind them. At that moment, Jongin spots Kyungsoo who's at his locker, looking completely zoned out as he puts his books back in his locker.

Jongin finally takes this as his chance. "Chanyeol let go for a second." Chanyeol lets go of Jongin's neck. Jongin straights himself up and takes a deep breath before walking over to Kyungsoo.

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