Chapter Two

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The door slammed open, causing Farrah to jump in the air. Kai walked out, tiredly and free of the pink paint from yesterday. Farrah looked at him for a few seconds. He had black ruffled, bed hair and the iciest, blue eyes Farrah had ever seen. It was a bit scary looking at them. His cream-colored skin shined due to the morning sun. 

Farrah suddenly looked away, blushingly as she realized she had been studying him for too long. He didn't seem to notice though. "Oh, did I scare you?" Kai asked, walking into the kitchen. Before Farrah had the chance to answer, he began taking sniffing the air. "What's that smell?"

"I'm coo--"

Suddenly, Aaron ran into the house, a wide grin on his pink lips. "Hello! Good morning, to the both of you guys! I came for Farrah's beautiful cooking and from I can smell, it probably tastes absolutely amazing!"

"It's too early in the morning for him to be here," Kai muttered, pouring coffee into a cup and walking away.

"Wait, don't you want to eat anything?" Farrah asked, grabbing his arm. Kai looked at her and glanced down at her hand that was clutching on his shirt. "Sorry," she said, quickly letting go.

"Yeah... don't touch me," Kai murmured. 

"But breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" Farrah stated as a matter of factly, putting aside what he just said. "If you skip breakfast, then you tend to overeat later in the day,"

"I didn't ask you, did I?" Kai looked at her straight in her dark chocolate eyes, while his bitter blue orbs looked as if they could straight right through her soul. "Listen, I didn't allow you to live here just so we can be friends. I just didn't want to pay my bills fully,"

"O-Oh, I see..." Farrah said, almost in an inaudible whisper looking at the ground. She smiled at him, her fist clenched. "I'll just refrigerate your breakfast, okay? You can eat it when you want to eat it,"

Aaron looked at them, awkwardly. "Umm... so can I have my breakfast? You made some for me, right? I'd be eternally grateful if you did, Far," he said, generously smiling. 

"Far?" she laughed, putting Kai's food in the fridge. Kai looked at her weirdly before disappearing into his room. "I've never had people call me that before. They usually call me Fae,"

"Ah, that's a cute nickname, as well," Aaron remarked, looking Kai's closed door. "You okay? He was a bit harsh, wasn't he? Super sorry about him, he's a bit... Well, let's just say he has a hard time cooperating with people,"

"Ah, you don't have to be sorry. I just had high expectations, is all," Farrah said, washing the dishes. "I don't really mind as long as I have a place to stay. It's not that weird living with a stranger, I think,"

"Why are you living here anyway?" Aaron asked, curiously, chewing on his bacon. "There are, so far, no good things for you here, not putting it in a mean way,"

"I don't have a choice," Farrah said, drying her hands off. "My mom had a bunch of gambling debts. She went missing for weeks until one day, a few men walked in and told me that she had run away and that I was the only one to pay those debts. It's about twenty grand. In the end, I was kicked out of my house and here I am,"

"Twenty grand!?" Aaron exclaimed, getting up from his chair. Farrah put a hand over his mouth and looked at Kai's empty door. 

"Shh, shh," Farrah said, in a hushed whisper. 


"It's fine, it's fine, I expected this would happen a long time ago, to be honest," Farrah chuckled. She looked at the clock. "Oh, crap! I have to go to work! I told Ms. Rodriguez, I would go today! Anyways, bye,"

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