Chapter 3

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It's been three days. Three days of living with Kai and three days of putting up with his rudeness. Each day, Farrah would be willing to try and become acquainted with him and yet he waved her off as if she were a bug. 

Tiredly, Farrah opened the door to the house and slipped her shoes off as she spotted Kai watching out of the kitchen. She forced a smile at him and clutched her backpack. 

"I'm ho--" 

Suddenly, she stopped midway and gasped quietly and sharply. "I'm here," she said, looking at Kai. He took a bite of his sandwich and walked away. "Is that your dinner?" Kai looked at the sandwich in his hands and shrugged. "I could make us some steak if you like? Maybe rice, as well. Or spaghetti!"

"No, thanks," Kai said. 

"But that's not going to fill you up. If you keep going on like this, then you won't be healthy at all. You have to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner!" Farrah blurted out. 

"You're pretty annoying, huh?" Kai asked, glaring at her with cold eyes. "I told you, I'm not in the mood for you to be taking care of me, right? I also told you that you're only here for the bills? Why do you keep insisting on these matters so much?"

"My apologies," Farrah said sharply, "for trying to help,"

She furrowed her eyes at him and walked out of the house, stupidly forgetting about her shoes. It was cold outside with bits of snow cluttered all around, but all she could think about was how much longer she could keep up with him. 

When she was gone, Aaron entered the house almost breaking the door open. "I'm here, my lovely darlings!" he shouted cheerfully, shooting his hands up in the air. "Did you miss me? Go on, say it, I know you missed me!"

Aaron looked around realizing that Farrah was nowhere to be found. Usually, she'd be in the kitchen cooking some food. Kai sat in the living room, silently reading a book and finishing up with his sandwich. "Kai, is that your dinner? That's not going to fill you up, will it? I bought some biryani just in case, want some?"

"What is with you people and telling me what to eat?" Kai muttered, turning the page of his book without looking at Aaron. "Farrah stomped out of the house because I didn't do as she said. Why do you people worry so much?"

"Hah? Farrah left? Without her shoes?" Aaron asked, sitting down on the recliner. 

"What do you mean?" Kai said, looking up from his book. "That girl may be very stupid and she's probably lost quite a few brain cells, but no ones stupid enough to forget their shoes in this kind of weather,"

"Farrah only owns one pair of shoes and they're ones she kept for about two years. She told us this, remember? Yesterday, at lunch? When I asked her why she always wore the same shoes?" Aaron said, mockingly, but then acted as if he recalled something. "Oh, wait, I forgot. You refused her delicious food yet again,"

"I have no reason to eat her food," Kai said, closing his book. 

"Why did she run off?" Aaron asked, ignoring his statement. 

"I..." Kai's voice trailed off.

"Did you do something? Again?" 

"All I did was call her annoying and repeat what I said the second day of her arrival, what's so bad about that?" Kai quickly said. Aaron stood up, went to Kai's room, returned, and threw a jacket at him. Kai picked it up. "What's this for?"

"You obviously have to go find her, she could be in a lot of trouble, don't you know? You don't exactly live in the safest place! Plus, this is all your fault!" Aaron exclaimed.

"She's dumb to have sensitive feelings. It just shows her inner brat," Kai replied, stubbornly. "You go, she likes you more anyway, right?"

"That's not true," Aaron glared at him. "Farrah is trying so hard to become friends with you and all you do is push her away because of something stupid that happened in your past!" Kai's head jerked up at him as he stood up from the couch. If looks could kill, they'd both be six feet under. "I don't care anymore. If Farrah isn't going to tell you, I will."

"Tell me what?" Kai asked sharply, crossing his arms.

"She's in trouble, you dick!" Aaron shouted. "I know we're best friends and all, but sometimes you're so dense that you can't even see that she wants to burst into tears every time you snap at her! You're the biggest child I've ever met! You wanna know the truth?-- Her mother is gone! She ran away after she found out she had gambling debts! Which means, Farrah is the only other person who can pay for those debts!"

"... What?"

"She has no choice, okay!? And you're here making her life even worse, telling her she's only here for bills when all she's doing is politely apologizing, saying please and thank you, and offering you a place where you could actually call home!"

Kai's eyes widened and a sense of guilt and shame flooded his body. Quickly, he slipped on the jacket, grabbed Farrah's shoes, and left the house. 

Farrah was already three blocks down, walking sadly down the sidewalk, ignoring that her feet were practically throbbing from the cold. It doesn't matter, does it? Chuckling bitterly, she kicked some snow out of her way. 

Unexpectedly, she got pulled into a dark alleyway. "Boss, she's pretty, isn't she?" a man's voice rang out. "Beautiful blonde hair, green eyes, baby soft skin... Perfect, huh?" Farrah's eyes widened as a hand ran through her cheeks. She opened her mouth to scream, but the hand cupped over her mouth and it was impossible for her to bite him.

With muffled screams, she began to struggle in the man's grip.

"A bit feisty, but, hmmm.... yes, perfect," another man's voice rang out nastily. He chuckled. When her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she could make out the faces of the two men. The two of them were extremely tall and they each had the same perverted faces. 

Tears pooled out of Farrah's eyes while she moved her legs and blindly began to kick around. Luckily, she was able to kick the crotch of the man that was holding her against the wall and he let her go. She let out a long breath and ran out of the alley.

"You're going to pay for that, you bitch," he said, groaning in pain. Although he was still hurting, he and the other man ran towards her and attempted to grab her until someone stood in front of them, grabbing Farrah by the waist and pulling her close.

"Just who's the bitch?" Kai asked, glaring at them with his icy orbs. His grip tightened against Farrah and she slowly looked up at Kai, completely and utterly surprised. 

"Who're you? Her boyfriend?" one of the men laughed. "It's two against one, I doubt you can take us on,"

"Oh?" Kai smirked proceeding to kick the man in his crotch again. He muttered curse words as he lowered to the ground, clutching his pants in pain. Kai stepped on his head and buried his face in the ground. The other man came at him. 

Kai pushed Farrah out of the way and just as she was losing consciousness, she could see Kai getting punched. Why? Farrah was consumed with the darkness and she could no longer see anything else. 

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