Chapter Five

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"You should be resting," Farrah grumbled as Kai plopped down on the couch and flipped through the tv channels. "The doctor said your ribs will take about four to five weeks, so you need to be lying in bed,"

"I feel fine," Kai murmured, stuffing his hands in his sweatpants and gluing his eyes on the tv. "Besides, I don't really feel any pain,"

"Give me a push-up, then," 

Kai turned to her. "What? Why would I do that? Do I look like the type to work out? Obviously not, so maybe you can leave me alone,"

"Oh, come on," Farrah gave him a sinister smile. "You feel fine, right? You believe that your broken ribs aren't going to be a problem anymore, right? So, get on all fours and give me a push-up. It won't be that hard, would it?"

Aaron shivered and backed away a little bit. "Women are really scary sometimes," he mumbled under his breath trying to avoid looking at Farrah's face. Alison looked like she was a proud mother who had raised her child right. 

Kai gave Farrah a blank stare and returned to staring at the tv. Sighing, she marched over to him and touched his chest, pressing a bit hard. A few seconds later, he clutched his shirt and groaned in pain. 

Alison and Aaron snickered and muttered jokes to each other, but stopped immediately after seeing Kai's deadly glare. "See?" Farrah pointed out. "You aren't fine. One touch and you're in immediate pain. Get to your bed," 

She grabbed ahold of Kai's hand and pulled him into his room, but stopped as soon as she half-way through the door. "What? What's the matter?" he asked. "Why'd you stop all of a sudden?" 

A smile spread over Farrah's face as she looked around. There were multiple amounts of paintings hung all over his room and each and every one was captivating, mesmerizing, and overall beautiful. 

Kai rolled his eyes and pushed passed her, tucking himself in his bed. 

"Did you paint all of these?" Farrah asked, her eyes sparkling. 

"Isn't that obvious, stupid?" Kai said, staring at the paintings. "I don't get why you're so amazed by this. It's not like it's anything special,"

"Are you kidding?" Farrah gasped. "These are beautiful! This is beautiful,"

Kai opened his mouth.

"I love you, Farrah, my dear. Let's run away from this place,"

"I love you, too, my darling Kai. Marry me?"

Farrah and Kai turned their heads towards the door to the two snickering idiots. 

"Sorry, sorry, we couldn't help it," Aaron burst out laughing, trying to wipe his tears away. Alison continued to laugh with them as they left the house, running. Farrah watched the door, a deep red taking over her fair skin. 

"It's like they're meant to have met," Kai yawned. "Two idiots and their more idiotic antics. Sounds like a good match don't you think?" He turned to his side and looked at Farrah who suddenly stood up. 

"D-Do you want anything to eat!?" Farrah said, almost shouting from embarrassment. "I, um, can make you soup, or rice, o-or casserole, I guess? Unless you don't want me to! Which I'd totally understand!"

"Could you make me a fruit crepe?" Kai asked. "I've been craving one since I last ate one which was two months ago, but I couldn't really find time to go back to the restaurant and eat it. Plus, I'm not much of a cook, so it isn't like I can just whip up a spatula and make me one, right...?"

Farrah knelt down to him and smiled. "Kai," she said, "could it be that you're embarrassed?"

"Embarrassed? Are you insane? Why would I be embarrassed?" he glared at her. 

"Well, you're talking more than usual, so I just assumed it's what you do when you're embarrassed. You're also making really dumb excuses," Farrah giggled. 

"I'm not embarrassed, so just make me the damn crepe," Kai mumbled, pulling the covers over his face and turning in his bed. Farrah smiled once more and left the room, bringing out whatever fruit she could find.

After one hour of mixing eggs, milk, water, melted butter, flour, and salt and the cream cheese, confectioners' sugar, lemon juice, lemon zest, and vanilla, and then heating it up, she added the fruits and some raspberry syrup over it. 

When she finally finished it, she grabbed a fork and entered his room, still unable to get rid of the fascination of his paintings. "Do you really like them that much?" Kai asked, struggling to sit up. Farrah gave him the plate, nodding. "Do you know how to draw or paint?"

"Well... I'm not bad at it. I wouldn't say I'm good either," Farrah replied. Kai opened his nightstand drawer and brung out a few pencils and a sketchbook and then scooched over a bit. 

"Sit next to me," Kai said. 

"Why?" Farrah asked, giving him a weird look.

"Because I want to see how you draw?" 

He said it as if it were the most obvious thing in the world and looked at her as if she had two heads. Reluctantly, Farrah sat down beside him and she took the pencil and book from his hand. After drawing a rather pointed head with circles and dots as eyes and a big U for its mouth with a small C shaped nose, she handed it to him. 

Kai chuckled. "You call this art?" he said, swallowing a bite of his crepe. He laughed, Farrah smiled to herself secretly.

"I think it's cute," Farrah protested. "Besides, I'm not like you. I didn't grow up with a passion for art. I've always wanted to be a writer ever since I was a child,"

"What's your favorite book?" Kai asked.

"Caps For Sale," Farrah replied, smiling. 

"That's a child's book," Kai scoffed, drawing in his sketchbook. "I'd expect you to like something like Harry Potter or whatnot,"

"I love Harry Potter, too, but Caps For Sale holds a special place in my heart," Farrah said, trying to peer over his shoulder to see what he was drawing. When he was done, he set aside the empty plate and put the sketchbook on his lap.

It was an eye with every detail drawn over it. It kind of looked like Farrah's eyes. "You drew this?" she gasped, snatching the sketchbook and flipping through it to see if there were some unfinished drawing that he could've hidden instead of the eye.

"No, my invisible friend, Jeffrey drew it," Kai muttered, rolling his eyes. "What do you think? Idiot,"

"You couldn't have drawn this in less than, what, 5 minutes?" Farrah exclaimed, raising her eyes in disbelief. "It's perfect. I can see no flaws in these eyes,"

"Because there are no flaws," he yawned, laying his head on Farrah's shoulder.

"W-what are you doing?" she almost screamed, trying to push him off.

"Shut up and stop moving," Kai ordered. "I'm trying to sleep, dumb girl,"

"O-okay," Farrah muttered, blushing a furious red. How many times have I blushed already? I'm really not used to this, am I? 

"The crepe," Kai murmured, "it was good. I'd like it if you were to make some for me again,"

Farrah looked at him, surprised. His voice was barely audible but she could understand every word he said and it just made her happier. This could possibly be the greatest home to ever return to. 

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