The Lie

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Chapter One

"Banks, Chantel and I are going to get drinks at the bar!" Alissa yelled from the distance. "Wanna come?" She impatiently questioned waiting for his reply.

"Babe, I'm feeling sick!" Banks shouted in response with a raspy yet not weak voice. After minutes of discussing if she should stay home with him, he convinced her to go and enjoy.

"If that's okay with you," Alissa finally agreed. As Chantel's car horn honked uncontrollably, Alissa rushed down in her heels.

"Is Sommer coming?" Alissa inquired, unsure of where she was at the moment.

"She said she isn't feeling good but to go have fun without her."

Confusion struck Alissa knowing that Banks said the same thing. Was it just a coincidence? They arrived at the bar with all of their excitement. Alissa jumped out of the car followed by Chantel and skipped themselves inside. A couple drinks later Alissa received a text from Banks.

"Hey baby, I'm not feeling well. Maybe you should stay over at Chantel's place."

Alissa's mind became blank. She didn't know what to say so the only thing she did was hurry into the car. No questions asked, Chantel followed, unaware of everything. "Banks is suspicious," Alissa states with a demeanor of nervousness after she notices Chantel's state of confusion. "Tells me not to come home, how dare he!" She ranted continuously until her oration came to a stop when they reached the house.

Barging through the front door, Alissa still mysterious about Banks, she ran towards his bedroom with Chantel behind her. Alissa welcomed herself in, not asking for an invitation.

"BANKS?!?!" She hollers in disbelief as she tries to process what she's seeing.
(A/N: What was he doing? What got Alissa so freaked out?)

A Life Full of LiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora