Backstabbers & My Savior

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Chapter Four

"Alissa.... It was-" Chantel's cheeks grew bright red, nervously chomping on her lip and constantly trying to change the subject. But that crossed the line in Alissa's mind, and Jake and Chantel both knew they were going to stay on one subject, and one subject only, until the facts were straight. She wouldn't leave Chantel alone until she told her. That's when Chantel finally gave in.

"Alissa, it was Sommer." Chantel stroked her own hair once, then twice. It was a habit she's had even since second grade when she was nervous asking her crush out. You guessed it, she was rejected. Jake glared at Alissa, then Chantel, then at Alissa again. Tears filled Alissa's eyes. Speechless was the only word to describe it, if that was even nearly close to the emotions she was having at the moment.

Turning the corner was Sommer with her hair in a messy bun, a sports bra with a jean jacket and ripped leggings. Alissa stared at her quietly, trying to erase all that could have happened when she was only seconds away from pulling up to the house. Sommer took one big gulp, slowly stepping back in hopes that Alissa hadn't seen her but they both knew she did. Alissa viciously stood up, power walking towards Sommer. One heavy breath marked the rage that Alissa bottled in and soon took out on Sommer with a powerfully backhand slap across the face.

Grabbing Jake's hand and running into the dark with him, Alissa pulled out her phone to text Chantel. "Chantel, thank you oh so much for telling the truth and being there for me and not a fake ass friend like Sommer." She slammed her finger on the send button impatiently waiting for Chantel's reply.


"Anything for you hun<3"

A smile faintly appeared along her face and she replied just one more time. "I gotta go but I want you to go home, watch the Notebook without me just this once, lol, forget about this tonight. Relax and we'll go shopping and go watch a movie tomorrow, then to Logan's house." Alissa finally calmed down and relaxed, assuring herself she still had Chantel, Logan and Jake by her side. And that, could never change.

"okay bb<3" One last heart was sent to Alissa. She hugged her phone and slipped it into her bra, took 3 deep breaths and gripped onto Jake's hand. She looked at him then down at the concrete, watching her feet as they began to walk.

They reached Jake's home and he slowly led her into the kitchen, "Ice cream?" Her smile grew larger and larger every time she heard a word from his mouth. Sweet yet savory, Alissa ate her ice cream cheerfully while gripping onto his hand. Warmth grew throughout her body every time one of them gripped harder. Seconds with him felt like minutes, those minutes felt like hours, and those hours felt like days but all of this was happiness, Alissa thought carelessly. Slowly her eyes fluttered until they were completely shut. He wrapped her like a pig in a blanket and heated in the fuzzy blanket.

After he wrapped me in the blanket, my eye slightly opened without him noticing and I acted as if I accidentally began to snuggle with him. He didn't refuse, she thought happily.

She woke up to the sound of something sizzle, and something scrumptious filling the air. She sprout up from her sleeping position, rubbing her head and sniffing the room. "BACON!" She shouted with delight, causing a laugh in return from Jake. Before springing from the couch, she pulled out her phone with 38 unread messages from, you guessed it, Banks. Her eyes rolled uncontrollably until her head was spinning. She slid the tabs only to check whatever he had to say. Ugh, all the cringy and cheesy bull to get any girl back into your arms, she angrily thought. The messages read, "Babe, please come back."

"I need you."

"I'm sorry, I messed up big time."

Sorry doesn't solve everything. She turned her ringer off and tossed her phone to other side of the couch, making her way to the refrigerator and setting the container on the counter.  As she began pouring her orange juice into the mug, Jake wrapped his arms around her waist. "I-" she heard Jake stutter, but not continue.

"Are you okay?" Concern rung in her tone.

"I-I love you." Jake whispered in her ear.
(A/N: Well this story took a sharp left turn. What do you think will happen next? Leave your ideas in the comment section below! OfficialMrsPaul and I might take some of them and feature them in our story!)

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