Execute Plan J!

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DOMO MINNA-SAN! Serpent-chan is back. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed the last two chapters.

I'm very hesitant about writing something like this because I'm not sure how many people like these kinds of stories but I wanted to try my hand in writing it. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this next chapter.

WARNING: Characters are OOC, there are grammatical errors (so please don't hesitate to point it out), and there is kissing in this chapter.

"Hello~" - Talking
"Hello~" - Japanese Word
'Hello~' - Thinking
~Third Person View~

The members all looked confused and hesitant as Riko scowled, placing her hands on her hips, "Well? What are you waiting for? The sooner I look at your stats, the sooner we can get back to watching."

Wakamatsu looked at Riko with a raised eyebrow and said, "Is it necessary to remove our shirts?"

"No it isn't," Riko sighed as she rubbed her temples in exasperation before she continued, "It isn't necessary to remove your shirts but I can analyze you all better without your shirts."

The schools still looked hesitant before Riko placed her hands on her hips saying, "Fine. Would you go after someone did it?"

They immediately nodded and Riko sighed. She turned towards her team and crossed her arms over her chest saying, "Since they don't want to go first, you guys will also have to do it."

"Eh?" Koganei pouted as he looked at Riko, "But you've already looked at us before."

"That was a few months ago," Riko scowled as she looked down at Koganei who cowered slightly as Riko said, "Besides, I need to look you guys over again so that I can come up with a more accurate regimen to improve you all."

The Seirin basketball team looked at each other with tired looks before they all stood up. Kuroko pulled himself away from Takao who pouted at the sudden loss as the bluenette walked over to stand beside Kagami. Kagami grinned as he looked down at his partner. Kuroko smiled back up at the red head before they shuffled to remove their shirts. Riko nodded as she looked over the team, "Good. You guys are keeping up with my regimen.. Except.."

Riko turned her gaze towards Kuroko who blinked at the sudden attention his coach was giving as Riko asked, her brown eyes narrowing slightly as she asked, "Kuroko-kun, have you been working out extra?"

"Hai," Kuroko nodded to her question as he shifted his weight from one leg to the other, "Before the Winter Cup, I promised Taiga-kun that I would improve myself so I pushed myself to keep up with him."

"Well, your workout is doing you well," Riko nodded in approval as her eyes scanned over Kuroko's body, "You're improving more. You have more muscle than before and it doesn't look like you're about to give in like when I first scanned you."

"Arigatou Coach," Kuroko blinked when Riko waved a hand in dismissal towards everyone on her team except Kuroko as she spoke, "You guys get dressed. I need to look over Kuroko to make a new regimen for him."

Kagami patted Kuroko's shoulder before flushing slightly as he pulled his hand away. Kuroko blinked up at Kagami as the red head turned away with a blush on his face as he tried to cover it with his hand. Kuroko tilted his head before asking without emotion laced in his voice, "Is something wrong Kagami-kun?"

Kagami didn't say anything and instead shook his head quickly as he quickly scrambled to put on his shirt. Kuroko looked lost as Himuro spoke up, "Don't worry about it Tetsuya-chan. Taiga's just thinking."

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