Chapter Six: What's So Funny

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"Be careful with that nasty shit in my car!"

"Oh calm down, Lenicia. It's just buffalo wings." Kathryn said as she slid in the passenger seat of Lenicia's car.

"I wonder how you've managed to maintain a relationship with a man when you love this car so much." I chirped in from the backseat.

"It's cause Derek's my first love, Trixy is my second."

Kathryn and I shared a knowing look. It was kind of strange that Lenicia named her car and treated it like it was a person, I mean, I knew people do that but-it's just... weird. Derek and her had been married for a year and two months now. Still going strong, although I did wonder how he coped with this 'car-sisterhood', as Lenicia calls it.

"You have no idea how weird that sounded." Kathryn said before taking a bite of her wing.

I expected her to come up with a smart-ass comeback but she kept quiet and turned on the radio. As I was sitting at the back, I looked at her in between the seats. I caught her eyes lingering on Kathy's wings then back to her small burger.

"Can I have some of that? I'm not really in the mood for a burger."

"Two minutes ago you said it was 'nasty shit', now you want some?" Kathy raised an amused eyebrow.

"Argh, whatever. Natalie?" She turned back to me.

"I thought you didn't like buffalo wings." I said. She really didn't.

"I'm asking y'all for some wings, it's not a crime! Now, can I have some or not?" She threw her hands in exasperation.

"O-kay." I passed her a piece. She took a bite and swallowed.

"This is good." She moaned.

"See what you've been missing." Kathryn nudged her shoulder lightly.

It wasn't often that Lenicia ate buffalo wings, if ever. It was really strange that she would want them all of a sudden. Come to think of it, she had been eating weirder these past weeks. The other day she said she wanted to go to Nando's for just their fries. I assumed it was just a bit of stress eating.

A familiar beat came on the radio and we all looked at each other, grinning. We danced in the car for the first verse of the song. Funny thing was, we only knew the chorus and when we sang it, we sang it!


We spent about fifteen minutes singing to songs on the radio and eating. The sun was beginning to set, painting the sky a redish orange colour.

"Let's go home, my man is waiting for me." Lenicia said, starting the car.

"Facebook is waiting for me."

"You mean Roman Valter's is waiting for you." I giggled.

"Whatever, your cold bed is waiting for you." She shot back.

"Correction, my new book and a glass of wine is waiting for me."

"You two seriously need to find y'allselves some men, sign up for internet dating or something." Lenicia retorted "You're getting weirder and weirder each day you're single." She reversed out of the parking spot.

"Pshhh, says the woman who talks to her car." I scoffed.

"Yeah, besides, we've been there-done that." Kathy waved a hand.

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