Chapter 6 ~ Him again

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Hannah's POV

It was now a week into sophomore year and I hadn't really thought that I would make any new friends although I had. Regina. She had short ginger hair that shaped her face really well along with the few freckles that danced across her face and not to mention her eyes. Big golden hazel bulbs that you could easily get lost in, I was surprised she didn't have boys swarming all over her but I figured she wasn't one of those girls. The girls like Skye Clarkson who were popular for all the wrong reasons. Nowadays if you have double D cups, fake tan, bleached blonde extensions and massive ass fake eyebrows and not to mention an annoying squeaky laugh you'd be  popular. Thank good me and neither of my friends are like those girls. If Alex ever came to school with thick black eyebrows on I'd smack them right of her face.

"Hannah.." a faint voice filled my ears and I looked up squinted a little. Crap must of been day dreaming again. "C'mon, you'll be late for your next class," Regina gently laughed fiddling with her top ear peircing while holding her cactus patterned folder holding it close to her chest. "Just.. five more minutes please!" I grunt leaning towards the desk. "Well then.." she smirks "guess I'll just eat all the pancakes" she teased knowing I would shoot straight up asking "where??? What pancakes" Regina let out a genuine loud laugh and looked down at me giving me those fake puppy eyes "aw did someone not eat any breakfast" she sarcasticly said in a mocking baby voice. I rolled my eyes and slammed my English book into my bag.

"So what lesson do we have?" I asked her walking into the corridor shoving my hands in my hoodie pocket. "Well I have drama but you.. you have history" Regina laughed again patting me on the shoulder out of sympathy. I placed my hand on my temples and mumble "could this day get any worse?" With this Regina chuckles an we travel our separate ways. I sigh as I push open the door and see the rest of my classmates staring at me lifelesly and I could already feel the Boredom coming on. 

"Nice of you to join us Hannah" Mr. Blakey blandly says looking over the top of the the book glaring at me as if I had just killed his dog or something. "Uh yeah, sorry" I gently mumble tacking  a strand of hair out of my face. "You can go sit next to Roger, over there at the back" he says still in his metronome of a voice. I walk over to that Roger boy however as I got closer I stopped, mouth gaped open, probably looking like a goldfish. "Oh hey" he simply says running his hand through his dark, slightly curled hair, smirking slightly. "Um hi" I mumble. Is that really all I can say? 

So the boy I had met before, the one who had heard me singing and asked to be in his band was called Roger. And now to add to the list I sit next to him in history. Was I pleased about this? Time would soon tell. I sat down got out My textbook and starting reading some junk about the Tudors when he spoke. "Think about joining my band?" I turned to face him, shock spreading across my face, how did he even remember? "Why should I?" I spoke out actually wanting To know the answer. He paused. I noticed his eyebrows crease And his head looked up the ceiling thinking hard on the conundrum. I also noticed his jaw and his soft pale lips and how they looked.. I snapped out of my thought so quickly, what was I even thinking? "You coming to that is party?" He looked down straight at me flicking the fringe out of his eyes. What thats supposed  to do with anything? "What party?" I question tilting my head slightly. "Oh you know one of the lads is throwing  party, if you come you Can meet the rest of the band members, get to know us about and hopefully join" His eyes glisten and a faint smile comes across his face and he tries to hide it. "Um yeah I guess" what was I even saying? "yes then, sweet" he chuckled gently knocking my shoulder with his fist. "I'll see you there then,Hannah" he winked. I could feel my cheecks turn slightly hot and with that the bell went, filling the dull classroom with its continuous ring. Am I actually going to that party?

End of chapter:)

~L 🌸

Senior Yearजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें