Party panic

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Alex's POV:

It's been a week since the start of our sophomore year and things are going pretty well if i do say so myself! I've made a few new friends but only cause of football, they're mainly boys since i'm the only girl on the team. Merribitch our team captain however has been on my back ever since i joined, it's really starting to annoy me, anyway i need to get to class otherwise i'll be late and i don't want that to happen. I made my way to English class and took my seat inbetween Hannah and Regina which was also right infront of Jackass, why does he have to be in most of my lessons? I sat in my seat daydreaming when i felt someone throw something at my back, i turned around and saw that Jack was mouthing the words 'Open it' to me. What the hell is his deal? I looked at the floor and found a scrunched up paper ball sitting next to my chair leg, i picked it up then looked back at Jack and gave him a confused and annoyed look. His head nodded slowly as i opened the piece of paper to see a question scribbled in messy handwriting, the note said this: 'My mate Maurice is having a small party tonight and since he invited your friend Regina and Roger invited Hannah i thought that it would be rude to not invite you gonna show your face asswipe or was this a waste of my time?' I rolled my eyes at the red head before nodding very very slowly, i scrunched the paper up then threw it at his face, he gave me an enthusiastic middle finger and then went back to whatever he was doing. I'm going to a house party...why did i say yes?

-------Timeskip to the party(it's also around 10:00pm)-------

I pulled up outside Maurice's house, i'm pretty sure this is the correct address but if it isn' won't bother me in the slightest. I got out of my car dressed in some denim shorts, a flannel shirt, my blue coverse and a burgandy beanie nothing fancy just comfortable, i walked to the front door and knocked only to be greeted by a boy my age with brown eyes and brown hair. 'Uhh hi, i'm here for a house party of some kind and i was given this address do you know a...Maurice at all?' He grinned cheekily before speaking. 'Yep you've come to the right place as i am Maurice and this is my house are?' I blinked a few times before taking in the information. 'Oh right yeah, i'm Alex i got invited by Merribitch, he said you're a friend of his?' He stepped aside and let me in his house, he walked next to me and spoke again. 'If you're looking for Jack he's in the kitchen and if you're looking for your friends,  the only other girls, they're in the living room.' I gave Maurice a small smile and made my way to the living room. I spotted Hannah and Regina sitting on the couch drinking and laughing, i sit next to Regina on the very end and smile at them both. Hannah smirked at me and spoke in a teasing way. 'So Alex, i hear the famous Jackass Merribitch invited you here, i'm a little suprised you said yes since you supposedly 'hate' him.' Regina mimicked Hannah's expression as i gave them an annoyed sigh. 'I said yes cause i didn't want to sound rude, besides Jack told me that you both got invited by boys aswell...mind explaining?' This time it was my turn to smirk as both their faces went red. Regina made an excuse and got up to get more drink, Hannah then followed leaving me on my own. I waited for a while daydreaming when i felt the couch dip on one end, i turned my head expecting it to be Hannah or Regina but was annoyed to find that it was...Jack. My eyes rolled as he flipped me off once again, it was silent for a few seconds but soon that silence was broken by the voice of the red head next to me. 'I know i invited you asswipe but i didn't expect you to show up, oh and by the way you are looking pretty...awful tonight if i do say so myself' He gave me his signature smirk that always annoys me. 'Why thank you Merribitch, you are looking equally as terrible tonight' I mimicked his smirk as he swirled his drink around in it's cup. 'You look bored as shit, want me to get you a drink? I bit my lip in thought and looked away slightly. 'I dunno Jackass, for all i know you could have drugged it.' He chuckles and moves so he's infront of me. 'As tempting as that sounds asswipe, i'm just offering you a regular drink so take it or leave it and decide quickly cause i'm not waiting all night for a potential yes or no.' I think for a bit before nodding my head, he gives me a thumbs up and disappears into the kitchen, i'm slightly worried what he's gonna get me...we'll just have to wait and see, see what he gets and how tonight is gonna go.

-------Timeskip to near the end of the party-------

It's been about two hours since i got here and the majority of people here (basically the guys) are drunk out of their minds. I saw Hannah and Regina a few times so i talked with them for a bit, we eventually left eachother so we could do our own thing. I'm now wandering around trying to find something to do when and arm wraps around my waist, i look up and see a very very drunk Jack. I move his hand away annoyed but it came back so i left it alone. 'Hey A-alex, there's still an hour till the end of the p-party...wanna do some stuff till it ends~?' I moved out of his grasp and shook my head. 'Yeah that's not gonna happen're really pissed right now so we gotta get you home. I grabbed his drink and set it down somewhere then grabbed his hand and pulled him to the kitchen where Hannah was. 'Hey Hannah, i'm gonna take Merribitch back to my place since i don't know where he lives and he's extremely drunk, i'll see you tomorrow.' She gave me a thumbs up and continued with her night. 'Aww come o-on Alex, just for a little while~?' I ignored him and pulled the red head to the front door, outside and into my car, i made sure he was buckled up as i turned the engine on. Turns out the ride back wasn't too long as we were soon at my house, i got out the car, undid Jack's seatbelt and dragged him to my front door. I used one of my hands to open the door and used the other to keep Jack upright, we walked through the entrance of my house, i set him on my couch and helped him take off his shoes and royal blue sweater leaving him in jeans, socks and an ACDC t-shirt. I ran up stairs and grabbed him a blanket, i then made my way back downstairs and gave it to him. 'Listen here Jackass, i'm doing you a favour for once but don't take it too personally ok?' He nodded his head in a drunken state and lied down on the couch, i was just about to turn away when he grabbed my arm and pulled me down so we were face to face. 'Hey Alex...your lips look lonely, do they wanna meet mine~?' Before i could get up and walk away he smashed his lips onto mine then pulled away grinning, my face turned bright red as i stood up and ran upstairs. My mind was racing and my heart was beating fast, as i was getting into my batman t-shirt and shorts and a thought came to my mind, i...kinda liked that...wait what am i thinking?! He's an asshole and i hate him...right?


Hope that chapter was good! Thanks for reading ~M

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