Body Electric

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'i sing body eletric, baby'

I placed a hand onto her soft chin, tilting her head up towards me as I stared into her innocent eyes, smirking I pushed her onto the mattress, planting a French kiss onto her plump lips; ripping off my clothes as she followed my lead.

'We get down every Friday night, dancing and grinding in the pale moonlight'

Both close to each other and nude I began to thrust my penis into Regina, it wasn't like I hadn't done this before; after all most girls fell for me and they always ended up into my bed, this time was different though.

'Grand Ole Opry, feelin' alright'

In pure lust we both began to pant heavily, clutching each other as we proceeded to  let our bodies talk to each other. Regina is an interesting girl, she seems so young and innocent yet here she is, fucking a boy with millions of issues yet she doesn't care, I think that's the reason why this is different from the others, we truly do love each other.

'Mary prays the rosary for my broken mind'

I begin to let out small grunts as I pounded her harder, close to cumming inside her, suddenly we both let out a moan; laughing weakly I climb off her and lay onto the hard mattress, we stay silent for a few moments before Regina curls up next to me, I wrap my arm around her and we drift off to sleep.

--(Time Skip)--

Im not really a morning person, in fact I hate waking up; I prefer being asleep and if I am awake im usually high or at school getting a 'education', but since Regina is here this morning I wanted to at least make an impression, I already act like a druggie already. Trotting down the stairs and into my kitchen I opened up a broken cupboard and picked up a pancake mix that was defiantly out of its due date, the best for my girlfriend always. Whistling a tune to 'Devil In I - Slipknot' I placed the pancakes onto a plate before drizzling maple syrup onto it before running up stairs again, opening the door I saw Regina sitting upright in my 'bed' running  a hand through her hair clearly trying to detangle it from last nights adventures, laughing I walked over to her and placed a kiss onto her cheek 'I'll look for a hair brush for you, if I have one that is' still smirking I searched for a comb and instead I found one missing some pieces off it but I assumed it was good enough. We talked for a few hours and ate our own bodyweight in pancakes, well obviously I ate more than Regina; im a growing boy ,right?. I think it was around 9ish when we actually decided to leave the house and I knew the exact place to go, Jack and I had set up this hangout area in a abandoned church, it had a bunch of graffiti, springs, and fairy lights to appease Jack's past girlfriends.

Once Regina had sorted out her makeup I hopped onto my motorbike and drove her to the forest, clutching her hand I dragged her towards the ruins, kissing her cheek every few minutes. Eventually we arrived at the place 'Well this is the 5 star diner  you told me about'  Regina giggled in her usual loud laugh, I liked that about her; she wasn't afraid to be noisy or annoying.

'What do you think of skinny dipping?'

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