Chapter 5 - Home for Christmas

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Lizzie finished the last of her exams, turned in the last of her papers, and packed up her few belongings. She made her farewells to her roommates and left Oxford for the final time. On the train ride, she silent went over her plans and took careful notes and made a detailed checklist of everything that she and her co-conspirator would need to do to affect her escape from whatever the lady Jane had in mind for her.

The morning after she arrived at the grand old estate, Lizzie finished her breakfast in the solarium and said cheerfully. "Mother, I'm gonna' pop over to Annie's for a visit, I'll be back for tea."

Lizzie rode the little Vespa even though the weather was a bit cold. Lizzie's best friend Annie was a pretty girl with a wonderful sense of humor. She was curvy and voluptuous with medium brown hair and a face that was a bit too angular to be classically beautiful. Lizzie had always considered that Annie's smile and infectious laughter were her best features; that and her loyalty. Her father had flown Tornado GR-1's in the Gulf War and since leaving the RAF was now a senior 747 pilot for British Air. He had earned the family's money the old-fashioned way; by working.

The two old friends were discussing Lizzie's exit strategy in Annie's suite on the top floor of the old house. "Annie, I have been working on this plan in one form or other since the disaster of last summer's ball."

Annie smiled. "Oh, I don't know. Your mother certainly knows how to throw a party and some good did come of it, that's where I met Sam after all."

Lizzie gently touched her friend's hand and smiled. "Well, I'm glad for you, but in my book, that summer ball should've been a reality TV show. My dear mum had every eligible man of rank or money between the ages of 20 and 29 there. I felt like I was being offered for auction to the highest bidder."

Annie rolled her eyes remembering the spectacle of that evening.

Lizzie looked at her and sighed. "Annie, I have been so selfish worrying about myself and my problems. What about you and Sam, is it serious?"

Annie laughed and displayed the bare ring finger of her left hand. "Yes, I'm afraid it is. We're going to make it official on Christmas day!"

Lizzie leaned over and hugged her buxom friend. "Oh Annie, I'm so happy for you. Um, I hope that being an accomplice to my little plan is not keeping you from more important things?"

Annie squeezed Lizzie's hand again. "No, quite the opposite in fact. Sam and his family arrive tomorrow afternoon. I've been nervous as a hen ever since he asked. You're soon to be legendary scheme has been a needed distraction."

"So tell me about Sam, I only met him that one time in the receiving line at that awful ball and I was so angry with my mother that I couldn't see straight let alone even remember anybody's name."

Annie smiled at the memory. "It worked out well for me. Sam and I just sort of bumped into each other at the champagne fountain and just got to talking. He's a university student in London and will receive his degree in finance this June. His father is a banker in The City you see, and Sam will follow in his footsteps. He's quite smart, handsome, and quite tall at almost six–three. He is also very kind and generous and treats me like a lady."

Lizzie could tell that discussing her soon-to-be fiancée was Annie's favorite new topic. "Go on."

"So we spent lots of time together the rest of July and August, his family has a summer house here. We just did the usual easy first few dates things you know picnics, dinners, trips to the pub, and the like. He also likes to ride to so I took him on my favorite trails and to all of my favorite places. When he went back to school in the fall we started calling first a few times during the week and then almost every night."

"Anne, get to the good stuff."

Annie blushed and gave Lizzie a distant look. "So in October, he took me to a show in London and afterward I invited him to our family flat, just the two of us. I'm afraid we barely left the bedroom all weekend."

Lizzie laughed and put her hand to her mouth in a faux gesture. "Miss Anne Clarke, I'm shocked."

"Yes, as it turns out we fit together very nicely. In a certain way, he reminds me of Astre."

Lizzie looked puzzled for a moment. "Astre, your horse?"

Annie blushed again. "Yes, my Arabian stallion."

Now it was Lizzie's turn to blush. "Oh, oh... I see."

Annie went on. "So, anyway he and I are the best of friends, very compatible and the sex is beyond description, I really had no idea it could be like that. I mean I have read all of Liz Durano's novels and her characters always, well you know, lots of fireworks. Anyway, Sam loves me for me and just the way I am."

Lizzie smiled at her oldest, best friend. "I'm so happy that you found somebody so special to you, Anne."

Annie gripped both of Lizzie's hands warmly. "I know it's unlikely, but if you can make it I would love for you to be my Maid of Honor in June, but if you can't, I understand."

Lizzie shook her head sadly and her eyes glistened a bit. "I know that's what we promised each other when we were little girls, but I'm not sure where I'll be next week let alone in six months. I'll do my best to be there for you, I promise."

Annie sat up straight and gestured to the clipboard on the bed. "Okay then, shall we get on with our final preparations for Operation Meltdown?"

"Operation Meltdown, what I don't understand?"

"Whyyes, every well thought out plan needs a code word after all." 

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