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Title: First day

Words:  765

Date: Wednesday March 1st 2017


'Beep' 'Beep' 'Beep'

I pressed dismiss on my phone and sat up in my bed. I looked out my window and it was still dark outside. I slid out my bed and put my slippers on and walked downstairs.

Once I got downstairs I seen one of my dad's already up making himself a coffee and the rest of us breakfast.

"Morning daddy"

"Good morning baby...you ready to eat"

"Yes" I told him

"Go get ready and by time your down the food should be done"


I walked back upstairs into my room and picked out what I was going to wear for today.

I got in the shower did my personal hygiene, got dressed and did my hair.

I got in the shower did my personal hygiene, got dressed and did my hair

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I went downstairs and smelled the aroma of bacon. I seen my older brothers and dad already at the table.

"Good morning Naci" My papa said.

"Good morning" I greeted back as I sat down at the table.

My dad was finally done with the food and he had made bacon,eggs, waffles and toast.

When I was done with my food, I washed my plate and kissed my dad's goodbye and walked out the door with my brothers.

As we waited for the bus we made some small talk.

When the bus finally arrived we got on and headed to school.


In the middle of my 7th period class an announcement was made that all students have to immediately report to the Auditorium.

When I got there i found a seat next to my bestfriend Jada.

"Hey girl"

"Hey" I smiled at her.

"Good afternoon students....Today is a very important day....We have a speech from the world's famous basketball player Lanzo Ball"

Everyone started calling and cheering.

The principle continued "Also Lamello Ball will be attending our school and we need to treat him as you would treat another student... Understood"

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