Chapter 6 ~ Dodgeball

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"Okay I'm going to split you guys into teams! On the left side, (Nine random people the author doesn't have enough brain cells to name), (Y/n), and  Laurence! On the other side Zenix, Gene, Sasha -  if they even show up - Garroth, (Seven others again no brain cells to do this)." I look over the light ambassador that Jeff told me about is on my team. "Okay Team Huddle! REMEMBER THIS IS DODGE BALL!" Coach finishes his shouting. 


It's down to two players, both in the same club, me and Zenix. I made the mistake of throwing most of the balls at him right when the rest of his team mates got out. He decided to whip them at my face as fast as humanly possible. Thank Irene I am incredibly fast or else I wouldn't have been able to dodge most of them. Halfway through my incredible dodging techniques I grabbed a ball and whipped it at his face as hard as I could. It hit and with a deafening thud he fell to the ground. "HOLY! I D-DIDN'T MEAN TOO! ARE YOU OKAY?!? ZENIX!" I run over to the brunet. "Ow." Zenix deadpanned making me snort in laughter. With a groan he sat up, his face contorting in pain. "You are -surprisingly- a strong woman." He stared at me confused how my skeletal arms could ever hurt him -  a shadow knight. "So I've been told, you want me to bring you to the nurses to get ice?" I ask politely. 

"I don't need it, thanks for the offer." he shakily stands up. "SIR! I'm bringing him-" I jab my thumb at a stumbling Zenix, "To the nurse. Thanks!" I feel the stares of others dig into my back as I drag Zenix all the way up the stairs and to Mrs. Falmea's office. On the way there he kept shouting so I threatened him with calling his Dad, that shut him up quickly, though he still struggled in my grip. 

I knocked on the door to no avail, the nurse must've been on lunch break. "Oh no! What will we ever do?! The door is locked! We better head to our classes, right?" A spark of hope grew in his eyes. "No, the door is open. I can fix you up myself." 

We walk inside and I force Zenix to sit down. In no way was I allowing him to walk without at least an ice pack.  I looked through the cabinets for a bag and stared up the ice machine. I small squeak emitted from the chair behind me. "Nuh-uh mister. Your not going anywhere. Not until I say so."

With a roll of his eyes he humors me, "Okay Mom." 

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