Chapter 13 ~ Déjà Vu

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"What happened?" This was all so different to me, I've never been in the woods unless the park counts, and never mind seeing such a beautiful view of a lake! But I had to ask, why was Zenix's home he grew up in - to say the least - destroyed? He has a grim look on his face as he asks me something, "Are you open to anything?" 

"Yes," I was darn confused about this.

Zenix stretched out his arms in a wide gesture as a black smoke like thing flowed around him, transforming his short-ish self into a taller, crimson eyed man. Who just seemed to absolutely love the color red and medieval cosplay. Because holy crow, he could pull of a red knight any day, and I'd gladly be his princess in a tower or whatever that clichè is. 

"The... Woah. This is weird..." 

His voice echoed in an odd way, like it wasn't from the sound waves bouncing off surfaces but from his lips, "I guess, I'm still only 15 but Shadow Knight form makes me look a lot older doesn't it?" He chuckled. With a gulp I answered, "Yeah you look your Dad's age!" I giggled and then noticed he probably took it the wrong way and made crazy hand gestures and explained I'm sorry.

"It's good... Uh, (Y/n) this is a full Shadow Knights final form..." He awardly informed me of what he meant by transforming without actually saying it. He did this to his house, he was overwhelmed by the urge of power - granted he was probably like 5 and had no clue if it were right or wrong -  and killed someone, "Who?" I asked as calmly as possible. "My mom..." He choked out, quickly reverting back to his normal human form. and sobbing on the ground.

It was easy to tell he felt horrible for his actions. And I figured, first off, he's not a bad guy, and secondly, he helped me when I was down twice, I should help him. So I ran over and hugged him. "But... I'm a monster... For Irene's sake I killed my own mother!"

"Then... I guess we could both be monsters, Right?" I formed a sad smile on my face remembering right after magicks class.

"You can't be though, you're... how do I put this?.. Perfect, caring, and overall the best person I could've ever asked for, although you're stubborn and jump to conclusions among some other things I probably never noticed. I know you could never harm anyone, even Gene." Tears were streaming down my face, "I'm only going to break you down in some horrible way that I can't even imagine, I'm only going to destroy you and-.." I stopped him, "You won't, trust me." He sobbed into my shoulder soaking it in seconds.

"We'll be okay, just look at me." I try to force him to look at me, but once I get his head up se clenches his eyes shut tight, and leaves me with  one option, "Remember you made me do this," I joke playfully as I first off boop his nose with my nose adding in the necessary sound effect - 'boop'. Then I smash his lips on mine catching him off guard and Oh does he ever open his eyes, after he get over the initial shock he melts into it, nudging me when he needs air. I smirk at his puffy red eyes.  "See I'm perfectly fine.

"Holy déjà vu right there." He snorts whilst wiping his tears away.

I blink and question him, "Whaddaya mean?" 

"Your Magicks freak out. Do you remember what happened after that?"

"OH MY IRENE! You're right!" 

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