Chapter 23 ~ A Sigh, A Chuckle, And A Cough

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DaughterInLaw - Hey, where's Zen? He hasn't responded to any of my texts or calls, is he okay? Alive? Breathing???????


CrazyOldDude - Oh... Yesterday night he ran off... I can't find him, help?


DaughterInLaw - WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE RAN OFF? OH MY IRENE WHAT IF HE'S DEAD? Also, just a quick question (strictly for the purpose of more insults) what is your first name?


CrazyOldDude has been renamed WayTooCrazyOldDude


WayTooCrazyOldDude - John. And again, help?


DaughterInLaw - Coolio, I know where to look.


I ran a hand through my hair, "Jeff, I have to search for my runaway boyfriend, I'll be back around 9, no alcohol, eat your vegetables, and don't burn down the house!" I yelled and stuffed myself into a winter jacket, exiting the house and running to the car. There was snow piled up to my knees. Dear Irene, Zenix doesn't wear coats, and he's been out here for the whole night! I slip back inside to grab another winter jacket, slamming the door on my way out for good measure. I hop in the vehicle, happy that we shoveled the snow, and backed out of the driveway.

I sped all the way to where I had no doubt Zenix was. I shuffled down the steep, snowy path, calling out his name. When I reach the burnt down house, I look inside, only to find Zenix on the couch, curled up and shivering. "You forgot something!" I yell at him, just to wake him up. "Ugh... Mooommmm like... five more minutes?" he pouts, then opens his eyes, and realizes I'm not his mom. "Hey, you cold?" I offer him the spare jacket I brought.

He practically shoves it on himself, "I'm soooooo dumb." He sneezes and scrunches his nose. "Yes. You are. Why the hell did you run away?" I ask, slightly angry at the probably way too sick Zenix.

"The suggestion of me becoming a light ambassador... If that happens... My mom would've died for absolutely jack shit. I... Can't let that happen... On top of that Gene and Sasha are being dicks, they haven't talked to me for fucking months!" It looks like he's trying to cry but it's too cold to. He sniffles, sneezes then proceeds to sniffle again. "How about this. When we get back to school, we ask them to meet up near the normal spot, if they're still jerks, we beat em' up. If they actually decide to be decent human beings, we try to make amends." I hold out a hand to him. "But for now, we are heading home and warming up," I gave a glare, telling him that there is no way out of this now.

With a sigh, a chuckle, and a cough, we start up the hill to the car. 

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