My Hero

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Lance had always looked up to Shiro, he admired the work he was able to do and how he was able to stay strong during times when it seemed the world was ending. He was ecstatic when they were all chosen to pilot the lions and live together and in space no less! But as more and more missions came and went Lance started to notice no one ever actually acknowledging something he did out in battle. The worst hit was when Lance noticed that all Shiro's praise went to Keith. 

" Good work keith "

" Perfect technique "

" definitely the best on the team "

Just some highlights of what Shiro had given to Keith meanwhile Lance sat in the background, head down and lips melded shut. He'd hoped that maybe if he stayed silent then no one would be angry with him. He wouldn't get in trouble for  making a flirty remark to Allura or joking around to lighten the mood. No one noticed their teammates silence and just continued to live about their days.

At night it was the worst for Lance. He didn't have to keep his mask up so that meant his feelings were all just dumped out, most of the time to Blue. She was protective towards Lance and could sense the feelings of pain and hurt he was going through, it nearly tore her apart that she couldn't do much more than let him sit with her and cry out his heart.

" i'm sorry girl i'm being annoying. I should just go and get some sleep " Lance remarked before standing up slowly and starting to walk away from blue. Blue stood a bit and used her paw to pull him back. Suddenly her form started changing and getting smaller. before long there was a adorable blue lioness standing before Lance. " w-what! " Lance said, slightly stunned by what he'd just seen. " thats so cool! have you always been able to do that?! "He asked and Blue nodded, explaining through their bond how it takes a very skilled paladin to create a relationship strong enough to form the living creature bond. 

Lance was thoroughly excited " the others will love this! it'll be so cool if we can all just hang out with you guys around the castle! " He said and gave Blue a hug " we should wait till morning though " He added before walking with Blue to his bedroom, playing with her for a bit before they both fell asleep. 

When morning rolled around Blue was awake and excited for Lance to share the news. She nudged him gently till she saw her paladin stir into consciousness. " huh.....oh! "" Lance said groggily at first before snapping awake and rushing to get dressed properly. " I almost forgot! the others are totally gonna want to know about this bond thing! " Lance said before running out the door with blue behind him. When getting to the breakfast room Lance heard some commotion going on and he walked in with a confused look. There stood Pidge's brother smiling as the team talked with him. In his hand was Lance's bayard. Pidge looked up to see Lance, everyone stopped smiling at that. 

" i didn't know Matt was found " Was all lance could get out, still confused by the situation. 

" there was a distress beacon early this morning on a nearby planet, we found Matt their. " Allura explained. " and no one thought to tell me?" Lance asked a bit quieter than he was before. " we saw blue was gone so we figured you were just off somewhere doing whatever " Keith explained, obviously sounding annoyed. " Oh, well. Welcome back then man. Can I just ask why ya have my bayard?" Lance asked but by the looks on every ones faces he knew he wasn't going to like the answer. 

" well, in the short time Matt has been back we thought it'd be better is Matt became the blue paladin. He's just more focused and is able to fight like me and hack like Pidge. Plus blue is a very compatible lion so it wouldn't be hard for them to bond " Shiro explained and in that moment Lance felt the whole galaxy just freeze. Lance's head fell forward as he stared at the ground, hands shaking while tears formed in his eyes. As much as he tried Lance couldn't seem to form a sentence no matter how much he tried to form it out. 

During this time Blue had been slightly hidden behind Lance while the door covered the rest of her. She then had enough when she felt the amount of pain and betrayal Lance felt. She roared loudly and slammed the door open, glaring at all the paladins as a link was set up to everyone in the room 

" you all are disgusting! and you call yourselves paladins! " She hissed.

Lance looked at her with wide eyes before sighing " it's fine girl. They're right. Matt would be more qualified. He wouldn't bang you up so bad during a fight and the team trusts him not to goof off more than me " He said, mentally hitting himself when his voice wavered. 

" What the hell is that! What did you do Lance!" Allura yelled when she saw the blue lion. " she just kinda.....kinda did it. Doesn't matter i'll get her back to normal for you Matt. I'll see you guys later " Lance said before he gently lead Blue out to the hangar. " Just go back to normal Blue. " He said before leaving the hangar, leaving Matt's blue lion back to normal. Lance went to his room and had it all cleaned and cleared out within a half hour. 

Lance sniffled and wiped his eyes before going back to the hangar and loading up an escape pod. " I guess hero work isn't really for me " He said before closing the hatch and ejecting. " I wonder if they'll even notice i'm gone?" Lance thought but pushed it away as he searched for a planet to land on. 


" Do you guys think maybe that was a bit harsh for Lance? I mean i know he messes around and stuff but he's still a good pilot " Hunk asked. " Nah, its true he's good but Matt is better and is more focused " Keith waved off. " so what does Lance do now?" Hunk asked. " he can help Coran with ship maintenance and cleaning up of course! " Allura said like it was the most obvious thing. " to bad we can't just dump him off at some planet " Keith huffed before leaving to go do some training. Hunk didn't really feel like they should be talking this way. Yeah, lance could be annoying some times but weren't they all? Lance did what he did to lighten the mood during these times where everything is always so serious. And he does try but he can't just train non-stop.   

" Don't worry Hunk, Lance will be just fine. Plus he and Coran work well together " Shiro comforted before also leaving the room

" Yeah.....I guess " Hunk said while also shrugging it off. 


Well that was the first chapter! I'm thinking of maybe doing a part two in the future but i'm not sure. If you'd like me to then please tell me and ill get to it. I also take requests! So if you've got an idea then private message me and we can work something out!

Have a nice day! 

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