The Hidden Flirt Pt.2

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Keith had come to the training room to just get some practice in, he was shocked to find Lance there. He was even more shocked to find him getting shot badly. 

" End training sequence " He yelled

" Ending level 67 " The voice called 

Keith didn't have time to be baffled as Lance was badly injured and needed very immediate medical attention. Keith picked up Lance quickly as he kept the pressure on the bullet wound with one hand and used the other to hold him

" Coran! Coran! Lance is hurt!" Keith yelled as he rushed out to the medical bay where Coran usually was. Coran looked up from a pod he was cleaning and gasped when he saw Lance. Quick to turn and grab a pod suit Coran rushed to them and stripped Lance of his training uniform and got him into the healing uniform. The rest of the team came in and looked slightly confused 

" What in the hell happened to Lance?" Pidge asked

" Language " Shiro groaned 

" Not the time Shiro " Keith hissed, making Shiro look up in shock at the back talk. Coran got Lance into the pod and started running the diagnostic. 

" What happened to Lance?" Hunk whispered to Keith. 

" He got shot training. He was at level 67 " Keith said, now processing the fact that Lance had gotten that high in the training levels. Even he had barely broken Level 35 without his teammates. 

" Diagnosis is done, " Coran said as he looked through it. 

" Gunshot Wound in his ascending colon and in his cecum, severe damage to his kidneys and spine. That's just physical. Mentally there are severe signs of stress, anxiety is unbelievable, depression along with it and something that looks like a more human disease......excuse me if I pronounce this wrong but it's something called Tourette's syndrome?" Coran explained as he looked up at them for affirmation he said it right. 

The team now all had a mixture of confusion and shock.

" Tourettes? Like the ticking thing?" Keith asked, not knowing much about it 

" It's a neurological disorder also known as a Tic Syndrom where the person experiences uncontrollable and unintentional tics or movements " Pidge explained as she looked at lance in the pod

" When does he get out?" Hunk asked worriedly 

" With the damage done, it'd be about a month, " Coran said and the team gasped. 

" We won't be able to use Voltron for a month?!" Shiro yelled

" Shiro! " The rest of the team yelled. Hunk shocked them all, even more, when he stepped forward and punched Shiro square in the jaw. " IF YOU EVER! TALK ABOUT MY BEST FRIEND LIKE THAT AGAIN I WILL KICK YOUR ASS!" Hunk snapped angrily.

" Lance is more than just a piece of Voltron! he's our family you selfish piece of shit " Pidge snapped angrily  

The others turned away from Shiro and looked to Lance's pod. They'd be damned if anyone would hurt him while he was in there 


And part two is done and it is a little bit shorter but it is here. Maybe a part 3? I don't know? If you have any suggestions for this arc id be glad to hear them :) 

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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