Hypnotized Trust

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( got this idea from the tumblr post by VoltronStuffGuess )

Shiro's P.O.V

Lotor was attacking the castle with Haggar and frighteningly enough we were loosing. Pidge was unconscious on the ground while Hunk was about one blow away from being in a similar position. Keith was at my side and fighting strong while Lance had just disappeared from the battle. Unbelievable. Useless during an important time too. " Shiro what are we going to do. We cant get to the lions from here " Keith brought my attention back to the battle but before I could even begin to process what to say back a familiar voice came to our attention

" You wouldn't be able to get to them even if you were in the hangar yourselves " Lance said as he came out from a corner with Haggar and Lotor behind him. Mind control. " Lance! " Keith yelled out to our former comrade. " He's not Lance anymore Keith! He's being controlled by that witch! " I yelled. 

" Oh now that's mean you guys. I mean c'mon Shiro. You've always been my hero! I've always looked up to you. Both literally and figuratively. And now you get a little taste of how much it hurts when you turn the cheek on me and focus on the mullet head " Lance spat before taking out his Bayard and shooting non stop at the two of us. Keith put up his shield and I deal with the Galra soldiers behind us. Once they were taken care of I focused back on Lance shooting at us. " Lance snap out of it! We're your team! " I yelled. 

"Bullshit! You guys never gave a shit about me! I'm just the useless paladin of Voltron right! " Lance yelled as I noticed tears coming down his face. Lotor smirked and had Haggar stop Lance from shooting. " How true, the supposed family to you just chooses to keep pushing more and more weight on you to be better, be stronger, yet they have no idea how much you're already suffering " Lotor smirked and my eyes narrowed. What the hell was he talking about. 

" Haggar how about we wake up the other paladins and the lively princess to show just how much of an affect they have on little Lancey Lance " Lotor hummed and used Galra soldiers to keep us occupied till the others woke up. 

Pidge and Allura came to consciousness fairly quickly and then the soldiers were called off. Lance was forced to lean back against Lotor and hold his arms up. I noticed Hunk's eyes widened " You better not you walking L'Oreal commercial! " Hunk yelled but it was too late. Lotor pulled off Lance's armor and rolled up his sleeves to show possibly hundreds of bright pink scars that stuck out brightly against his cocoa skin. 

Gasps came from all of us but what shocked us most of all was when Hunk stood and shot at Haggar, making her release the control she had over Lance but no one noticed Lance was no longer under her control. " We'll see you all another time then. Goodbye Little Lancey Lance " Lotor smirked before they suddenly disappeared in a gust of smoke. How cheesy. " Allura cuffs! " I ordered. Allura understood and tossed me a pair of restricting cuffs. I tied Lance back and made sure he was restrained so he couldn't do much besides turn his head. Quiznak knows what Haggar did to his mind or if she's still controlling him. 

Lance P.O.V

My head was pounding like a steel drum was playing right up against my ear. I opened my eyes and looked around but found myself being restrained by none other than Shiro. " Guys what the heck is going on? What happened to the soldiers! " I yelled but got nothing but fearful looks or even some disgusted ones. I tried finding out what happened but only found out my sleeve was up a bit and showing off some scars of mine. Shit. Wait, Haggar, that witch! She controlled me! " What happened! What did Haggar make me do!? Who's hurt! " I yelled but only got a kick to the face by Keith " Shut up witch. We know you're not going to give up Lance that easy " Keith spat. My eyes widened. They thought I was still under her control. " I'm not under her control anymore! What the hell guys! " I yelled but then someone, probably Shiro, knocked me out. 

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