Invisible Thread

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For hours last night I had pondered if I should reveal myself. Ugh decisions. Around 3am I came to a conclusion, reveal myself and then wait for a reaction. I can't control how she'll react so I'll just have to wait to see.

I flew down in the late afternoon understanding that she would only just be getting home from school. I landed on the roof and a few minutes later she came out onto the rooftop. She sat down and started to read a book. I'm pretty sure it was one by John Green, "The Fault in Our Stars" I think it was. I never understood what was so great about it. It was just another love story, then again I never got around to reading it. I thought this would be a good time to do it. Well there would never be a good time. Any time at this time would be okay.

I walked closer to her chair, "what's the big deal with that book?" I asked, what a great introduction good lord I'm so stupid.

She looked up at me with a stunned face. Not afraid just confused, "who are you?"

"That would be a good thing to say huh?" she nodded her head, "I'm Spencer List. I'm an angel and I'm dead."

"I thought angels have white wings or did someone decide to defeat stereotypes?"

"Some angels do. The ones that committed suicide however, have black wings."

"Oh," she took a few deep breaths, "I'm very confused right now, why are you here? I'm not of any importance to god and he's a bit of an asshole as far as I'm concerned so what are you doing here?"

"Ok good you understand that god is annoying sweet. And I'm here because... well, I've actually always been here."


"Every day I sort of visit you, listen to you sing, watch you read, that sort of stuff."

"So you're like a shinigami?"

"Basically, just less death and more I just want a friend because every single angel hates me."

"Understandable. Everyone I know hates me as well so you're definitely not alone."

"Anyways what is that book about."

"It's about love, tragedy, disease and death," she said this while marking the page and closing the book, "I find that it's about two young people who don't have long together due to terminal illness so they have a sophisticated love that defies everything in their path. I'm a hopeless romantic so when this may seem like another love story to you but it's so much more."

"Interesting, so you being a 'hopeless romantic' you think you have a good idea of what love is?"

"No of course not. No one has a good idea about love. Love is so much more than what people make it to be. People are drawn together by an invisible thread no matter how far apart they are drawn together by this thin thread. This thread tugs and pulls when it's the right time for you to be together. That thread is actually one of the reasons I moved to New York."


"So I actually moved into this building a 10 months ago. I've actually only found this roof 5 months ago. The same day I found this roof top I felt my thread snap. See that can happen to. When your thread snaps the other person has died. That's my understanding anyways."

"The first day I saw you was the same day I had died. I was sitting on my balcony at my place in heaven. That was your first time up on the roof?"

"Yeah...," she thought for a second, "you don't think?"

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