°° Chapter one °°

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{ Ć̷̛͎̮͖̹̖̺͓̦̀͢ḩ̧̛̘̮͚̘̼̪͙̤͍̣͚̰͘a̕͏̛͡͏͇̰̠̼̳̠͉̳ͅp̲̠̹̠̰̪̮̪͈̺̫͇͡͠͝ͅt̕͝͏̷̤̖͈̪̬̖̩͉̹̻̺͍̣̖͖̦̗ͅè͢͏̸̞͚̹̫͚̯͍͈̙̜̲̳̟̲̭ͅr̶̡̥̫̤̺̺̖̥̩̱̫̮̮̱͎̺͓͖̭̼͝͞ ̸͖̯̩͕̯͔̼͍̣̹̮͖̮̼͓́͝͠o̶̢̯̮͎̹̭̘̬̻͔̞̤̘̘̝ͅn̲̞̳̲̖̜̺̻̻͕͙̤̲̺̣̫̭̱͟͝e̴̡̠̻̝͖͍͇͍̥̭̺̺͔̟͓̟͉̺͝ͅ }

Jack stretched after finally finishing his live stream that he did for all of his fans to enjoy. After getting out of his black and green chair, he suddenly felt nausea fall onto him. Quickly stumbling into the bathroom, he splashed water onto his face, groaning a bit from feeling sick. Feeling a bit better after he had dried off his face, he just walked to his room. "Maybe if I sleep, I'll feel better in the morning" Jack stretched before flopping onto his bed.

Letting the darkness consume him, he just drifted off to sleep.

Tossing and turning in his sleep, Jack let out multiple whimpers from the nightnare he was having. It was a very strange one. He was dreaming about seeing this man that looked like him, but not at the same time. The look alike had green eyes along with black surrounding them, his throat slit open, and his dark green hair was slicked into spikes. No matter where Jack looked, all he saw was his look alike. The look alike just began to laugh histaricly and before Jack knew it, chains flew around his body before keeping him pinned on the ground.

The nightmare continued on for a while before Jack bolted awake as he yelled "SHIT". Jack panted, looking around. Getting up and looking at himself in the mirror, he noticed that he had his looked like his look-alike. Quickly rubbing his eyes, making sure he wasn't seeing things, he looked back and they were normal.

"Man, I-I must be seeing things.." Jack nervously chuckled to himself. He quickly left his room, not noticing his look-alike smirking evily on a chair that was at his desk.

There's someone in my head, and it's not me! (Antisepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now