The Proposal

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"Jay Jafar... Will you marry me?"

Everyone squealed, except for Jay. Jay was shocked yet he was crying tears of joy. "Babe! I don't know what to say!" Jay smiled. "Carlos Oscar De Vil, my answer is yes! Yes I will marry you!" Jay said. Carlos smiled and put the ring on Jay's finger. Carlos got up and kissed Jay. Everyone squealed. Again.

"Ok you two lovebirds! should we party or not?" Mal asked. "Heck yeah!" Everyone said. "Ooooook then." She played We Found Love by the Glee Cast [Play Song]

They all sang and danced, especially Carlos and Jay. They were so happy, I (the author) can't even! "I'm so happy for them!" Evie said. Mal smiled and held Evie's hand. "Me too." Mal said. The girls smiled. At the end of the song, Jay and Carlos kissed. Everyone cheered. "Gah this is adorable!" Mal said. Jay laughed. "Well, it was honestly unexpected. But still, I am so happy." Jay said. Carlos smiled. "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Mal and Evie said. Jay and Carlos laughed. "Ok! Ok! Fine!" Carlos said and kissed Jay.

"Please wait. Life being restored." Evie said. Everyone laughed. "Ok. Jay, Carlos. Even though you already did "it" in your dorm, I triple dog dare you to do "it" again." Mal said while putting air quotes when she said it. Jay and Carlos blushed. "Should we..?" Carlos asked. "If you want." Jay said. "Oh my fucking god you read my mind." Carlos said and kissed Jay. Jay took Carlos' hand and ran to their dorm.

Best. Chapter. Ever.
Anyways, I got to go to school
Let me know what you want to see in the next chapter!

This Might Not Be A Dream (a Jaylos fanfiction) (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now