Chapter 4 - Part 1: "Fault Line"

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Tremble and shake
We can't rewrite all our mistakes
Lovers on a fault line
The things we say
When we're both right
Will ricochet, lovers on a fault line
And we both know
You and I will never change
But we're holding on until we feel it break
It's too late to be the first to walk away
When we're lovers on a fault line


(August 29th 2017)

(Tulsa, OK)

It had been over a month and a half since Taylor had last seen Michelle. They texted daily, and talked on the phone whenever they could. Surprisingly, despite Taylor's fears, Michelle had not had second thoughts. Taylor knew she felt guilty for her role in what she perceived as the cause of the breaking up his marriage, but not bad enough to let him go. It had been very hard, they missed each other a lot. The last time they saw each other something had changed. They had become much closer and had a mutual understanding that they were committed to making it work, no matter what they had to do.

The morning he left her hotel room in St. Louis, Taylor had felt like a new man. A man who felt happy for once in his life. It's not that Taylor didn't love his life with Natalie and their children, because he did. His children were the center of his universe, and he cared deeply for Natalie as the mother of his children, but for the longest time Taylor felt a void in his heart, waiting to be filled with love and romance. And the only person who could fill that void was Michelle. He knew why: she was the one who put that special love in his heart in the first place.

Michelle was the only woman Taylor had truly ever loved. He had accepted that he was still in love with Michelle, and figured he always would be. From the moment he laid eyes on her, he had felt something towards her. She stirred up in him a feeling that no other woman had been able to do, not even his own wife.

Taylor knew it was wrong of him to cheat on Natalie, and believe it or not, he did feel bad about it. But not bad enough to continue to live what he felt was a lie. Taylor felt he'd paid his dues, putting other's needs before his own for so long, that now it was his turn to put his needs first.

And he needed Michelle.

He had decided that when the tour was done, he is going to ask Natalie for a divorce. Taylor knew once he asked her for a divorce, she'd have questions that he would need to be answered. He had decided to tell Natalie the truth. He couldn't lie to her.

Right now though, all Taylor could think about was Michelle and the time he planned to spend with her before he left to go back on tour. He couldn't wait to be with her. He missed holding her in his arms.

This last month has been torture for him. Yes, he and his brothers had toured Latin America and he did enjoy the places they visited, and the shows they'd played, but a part of him couldn't wait for the day he returned to the States. He missed his children dearly, and a special lady in Nashville who had captured his heart from the moment he met her.

In between tour stops, Taylor had planned a secret trip for him and Michelle to spend some quality time together. But in order to go on this trip with her, Taylor had to come up with very a good excuse to tell Natalie and his brothers. Especially Zac, who knew about his affair with Michelle, and was watching him with like a hawk.

The excuse Taylor had decided to give his family was that he was going to a beer brewer convention in Texas. Hanson wanted to get more investors involved in helping their company expand more in the brewery industry. The plan was for Hanson to sell their products both nationally and internationally, but in order to do that they needed to buy more equipment and rent out a bigger factory space. They just didn't have the money to do that. That's why they needed the help of wealthy investors.

Are You Happy Now? - Part 2 (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant