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So, to play with the Ikemen company's Sengoku Otome, I wanted to take the story and twist it a little. Where the story is that MC ends up getting taken back in time thanks to a time-rift, she has a certain amount of time before it opens again. But, like the standard cheesiness of Otome implies... she stays back in time with her lover, in this case, Oda Nobunaga, instead of going home.

However, I want to change that. Where she is a little torn about going home to the future, she decides to go. However, Nobunaga, having heard from her about how the 'past' was supposed to go, goes with her to the future instead, as he was supposed to be dead on the day she arrived.

Voltage's Samurai Love Ballad: Party [God, I love Japanese titles--] had actually played with a modern version, following the idea of reincarnation. Again, this is a dating sim-- for both Nobunaga and, my love, Takeda Shingen. This, though, is not 'reincarnation'. It is Nobunaga choosing to follow MC into the future, to keep with history and his death, joining her in the 21st century.

Also, it should be mentioned, that one of the characters, Sasuke-- is from the game. He was with MC when she was sent back, he from her time, and he gets sent back 4 years before. He is an astrophysicist and a studier of the more theoretical physics, like wormholes-- He is the one to assist her when she gets there and helps her get safely home, in this story-- It should also be mentioned, that he assumed the role of a fictional ninja of the time period, Sarutobi Sasuke, whom he was actually named after by his weeb parents.

This will include a lot of Japanese in it, and I apologize. I am not a native speaker, however a student and avid culture fan. As I am adept in some of the language, many of the cultures and customs, as well as many other facts of Japan.

You can assure this will be appropriate, not only to the 16th century, approximately 1582 [when Nobunaga was supposed to pass], but also current Japan. Named after my name for MC-- Now, let's start--

[Note added on 10/29/17] -- The beginning of this was written when I had first started writing this story. And, what I wanted to be a one-shot with a surprised and awestruck Nobunaga, had turned to what I had wanted to see-- A series of adventures for the samurai out of time. Seeing all that there is about the 21st Century. It is obviously a romance. There will be language, obviously. And, considering who the protagonist is, Nobunaga, it will be sexual. So, expect that. If you'd rather it be a x-reader-- sorry, go ahead and just input your name instead of 'Yuki'. It is based off of a dating sim. 

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