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unknown number: hey it's me ;)

unknown number: your contact name is Loser

Loser: and yours is Asshole

Asshole: cute we have pet names for each other

Loser: how cute

Asshole: winter break is soon

Loser: i know i've been counting down the days since school started

Asshole: you like christmas huh?

Loser: just hate school :)

Asshole: i wanna get you a christmas present

Loser: uh

Loser: why?

Asshole: if i can't help you with bullies at school at least i can help you be happy on christmas

Loser: wow you just out-gayed yourself

Asshole: whatever now you don't get anything

Loser: so sad :(

Asshole: you're missing out, i'm rich ;)

Loser: yeah?

Asshole: oh yeah, my house is bitchin

Loser: you can't say that

Asshole: b i t c h i n

Loser: you're dumb

Loser: but cute

Asshole: thanks xx

Loser: :)

Asshole: having a big house isn't really fun though

Loser: no?

Loser: it's not 'bitchin?'

Asshole: it's good for parties and hiding from my parents but other than that

Loser: hiding from your parents?

Asshole: yeah. if you think i'm an asshole you should meet my dad.

Loser: daddy issues? i understand that

Asshole: yeah? what's he do?

Loser: he's basically just like the bullies at school. he lives with his new girlfriend out of town, but before he left he was a dick to all of us. he made my mom miserable and he was a drunk. i basically raised my brother while we were hiding from them.

Asshole: wow

Asshole: i'm sorry loser

Asshole: i understand. my parents married because of money, i don't think there was ever any love there. he didn't want a kid either but he knows my mom won't give me up so he just makes my life hell for his enjoyment.

Loser: i'm sorry :(

Loser: you don't deserve that

Asshole: neither do you

Loser: you'll get away soon.

Asshole: maybe we can get away together, when you're ready to meet of course.

Loser: that sounds fun :)

Loser: but i still won't tell you who i am.

Asshole: you will eventually ;)

Loser: eventually ;)

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