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Mom Steve: i'm gonna kms

Dustin: What happened? Did you mess up?

Mom Steve: no! he's just really pissed!

Will: Well no shit. You can't just apologize once and expect him to forgive you.

Dustin: What exactly happened?

Mom Steve: i went in to talk to him and the second he saw me he ran outside then i tried to apologize and he told me that he wasn't falling for it then he walked away!

Lucas: The lack of punctuation in that text made me suicidal

Mom Steve: shut up and help me

Mom Steve: prom ends in like twenty minutes

Will: Are you dumb

Will: Jonathan's home

Mom Steve: WHAT

Mom Steve: god dammit ugh

Dustin: so Operation Stonathan At Prom failed because you didn't have the balls to ask him to dance

Will: He would've said no

Mom Steve: ^^

Mom Steve: also fuck you

Mike: Will spitting straight facts

Will: ;)

Mike: ;)

Dustin: Gay, anyway we have to begin OSAS

Mom Steve: what

Lucas: What?

Mike: What?

Will: What?

Dustin: Operation Stonathan at School

Mom Steve: i'm glad you aren't in high school yet

Mom Steve: think of a new plan i'm getting a drink

Dustin: It better be holy water or I swear to god

Will: In my good christian suburbs??

Mike: iN mY gOoD cHRiStiAn sUbUrBs??

Will: Fuck you

Mike: Maybe later

Mom Steve: you kids are the reason i have gray hair

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